As Almeth was indisposed, Amedelie came out as Ranger with me for yet another level 50 duo in Ronfaure (S). My primary objective was to kill as many freaking Ladybugs as we Dancer A.F. is gonna cost me an arm and a leg, so anything we can get both experience
and gil for, I'm all about it. I got to behold the power of Ranger first hand, as right off the bat Amedelie landed a shot for over 1,000 damage (!!!). Obviously, there ain't a hope in hell for me to pull hate after that, but with a bomb like that, the mobs dropped quickly enough that it really didn't matter. Being that we were fighting a lot more Ladybugs than Colibri this time around, the Amnesia effect got to be annoying at times, but luckily there's plenty of Pixie's flying around, dropping Cure IV's on peeps. I do have to say that I love those little fairies, and I wish they were everywhere all the time...but I can see how that'd kinda sorta break the game and all :)
Anyways, some screenshots from our night:
Next on Animal Planet: When Ladybugs Attack!
"Not so tough now, are ya?!"
If these things existed in the real world, I'm betting you'd need a whole case of Raid to put them down.
I have no idea what Ame's doing back there, but I'm betting Mr. Colibri here ain't gonna like it too much...
"Ready or not, here it comes!"
Final Fantasy XI, the only MMORPG where dancing can literally save your life...
"Jesus Christ, Ame, you set it on fire. That's just mean..."
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