First order of business was completing San d'Oria Mission 3-3, which is getting the Delkfutt's Tower Key from Porphyrion, a NM that spawns at the top of the tower. I was my level 50 DNC/NIN, while Almeth was level 40 THF/NIN. Pretty much everything in the place checked as "Too Weak..." to me, Almeth aggro'd a few times but the mobs were a joke to kill.
Anyways, make it up to the top of the tower, and no Porphyrion...someone must have just killed him before we got there. For safety reasons, Almeth and I killed a few of the regular mobs that we're running around up there (to prevent links and death), including a Thunder Elemental that seems like it took forever to kill. While we we're fighting the Elemental, Porphyrion spawned, so as soon as we put it down we made a beeline for him. I was a little trepidatious about the fight, but I quickly found that my fears were totally unwarranted, and we put him down in about a minute and half. There was one moment where Almeth got crushed for a ton of damage, but it was nothing that we couldn't handle.
Poor guy, he never had a chance :)
After we kicked Porphyrion's ass, we got the hell out of Delkfutt's Tower, and started working on San d'Oria Mission 4-1. Mission 4-1 is a bitch...not because of the difficulty necessarily, but because of all the ridiculous running around you have to do all over Vana'Diel. Basically, you have to collect three Magicite's from three Beastmen strongholds; Beadeaux, Davoi, and Castle Oztroja. That by itself isn't too bad, but the hoops you have to jump through to get it are a pain in the ass. After finishing the preliminaries in town, we made our way to Beadeaux, a fairly long Chocobo ride out of Port Jeuno. Do to some unfortunate links, I ended up eating it while fighting the first boss (Almeth lived, though) so all in all I ended up having to Chocobo out there 3 times, which sucked. Completed that, made our way to Davoi, and knocked that out as well, although there was one scary situation there when an IT++ Orc aggro'd Almeth; the game god's must have been smiling on us, however (or maybe they were cutting us a break after the bitch that was Beadeaux) because it actually missed Almeth twice, allowing him the time to zone into Monastic Cavern unscathed.

With Beadeaux and Davoi knocked out, we made our way to the last stronghold in Castle Oztroja. This was the only zone that Almeth thought might be a little rough, even for me at level 50. Amedelie was nice enough to log in as 75 WHM and help us through, so we quickly banged out the last stronghold, returned to Jeuno, and collected our Airship Pass. After a brief cheer session, Almeth was way past his bedtime, so Amedelie and I bade him good night, and the two of us decided to try and get an Empress Band in before calling it a night.
Because I haven't done the required quest to get past level 50, I had to leave DNC alone, and switched to my 45 WHM. Amedelie switched to RNG, and we made our way to the Eastern Altepa Desert to duo on T Gobs, Anticans, and the occasional Dhalmel and Beetle. Since WHM is a non-combat job for the most part, my weapon skill blows ass, and it showed as I missed over and over again, although the few times I did manage to actually connect I got decent skill ups, so it wasn't a total loss.
Because I haven't done the required quest to get past level 50, I had to leave DNC alone, and switched to my 45 WHM. Amedelie switched to RNG, and we made our way to the Eastern Altepa Desert to duo on T Gobs, Anticans, and the occasional Dhalmel and Beetle. Since WHM is a non-combat job for the most part, my weapon skill blows ass, and it showed as I missed over and over again, although the few times I did manage to actually connect I got decent skill ups, so it wasn't a total loss.

However, Eastern Altepa Desert proved to be a little too challenging for us...the place was a ghost town; except for another duo I saw briefly when we first got out there, there was no one else around killing shit, meaning the mobs were heavy and avoiding aggro and links was damn near impossible. I ate it twice, bringing my total number of deaths to three in one day, a new personal record! After my second death (and full wipe, as Amedelie died as well), Amedelie and I agreed that we really needed another person to help put the shit down faster, so we called it a night.

All in all, I'm happy with the way the night went. I would have preferred to have not died 3 times in the course of a single evening, but finally getting that Airship Pass is worth a death or three in my oh so humble opinion. Now that that's out of the way, we can move on to bigger and better things, like getting the G1 cap broken for me and Almeth. I wonder how many death's we can rack up doing that? Time will tell... :)
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