Due to some changes in schedules, our typical Tuesday party with Reflaa is getting moved to Wednesday's for the immediate future. With that being said, Almeth and I decided to try and get an Empress Band's worth of experience. Almeth suggested working on the easier stuff in Crawler's Nest, so I changed into my Dancer (now that the level 50 cap is lifted for me, I can actually get experience on Dancer again), picked up some better gears that I'd been looking at, and we made our way out.
Since I was capped at 50 before, my experience was actually 7999/8000 into 51, so I pretty much dinged on our first kill. The crawlers were all Easy Prey and Decent Challenge, but that was ok by me, as I'm a little burnt out on the drawn out battles in the desert we've been having lately and wanted something a little easier for a change, something without the fear of death.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Ah, they had a pretty safe and easy night, then". You'd think that, but you'd be wrong. I excel at finding death in the unlikeliest places, and tonight was no different. I was pulling the mobs and starting them off so Almeth could SATA Viper Bite them, and we caught an unfortunate link, aaaaannnnndddd....I died. I tried running away, but as this was my second trip to Crawlers' Nest, and I'm directionally challenged, I didn't know where the fuck I was running, I just started booking. I didn't get a screenshot of this death, unfortunately, but luck was on our side, as there were a couple higher level mages of some type near us fighting Lizards (Almeth actually had an idea of what they were doing exactly, but I can't remember what it was, because I just don't remember shit) , so they were nice enough to give me a Raise, and actually chased down Almeth and gave him a Cure IV while he was running for his life towards the zone. So, whoever they were, they were cool as shit, and they have my most sincere gratitude :)
Whatever this green shit is, it really fucks with the framerate...

At any rate, outside of that death, the fights from that point on were pretty typical. We took care to not link any more Crawlers, and the fights went pretty much without a hitch. In our travels around CN, we came across a room that had some Scorpions in it, and while they were a bit harder, we fought them as well, especially after discovering that they drop some pretty decent selling shit. As Almeth and I are all about the money, we made it a point to take them out whenever we made our way around there.
You are one ugly mother fucker...

Because the scorpions hit like a ton of bricks, shadows were a must. They had a really nasty move the did, Death Scissors, that hit for like a bajillion damage. It wasn't enough to put either of us down in one shot, thank God, but I had to dump heals on whoever was unlucky enough to get hit by it, and spent a up lot of my TP doing it. There were only a few that hung around in that area, though, so it really wasn't too much of an issue. There was actually this really strange occurance down there concerning the scorpions. We were getting ready to start picking them off when we noticed some tard bait sleeping them all right in front of us, and then running away. What they were doing, I have no idea. Anyways, we go to try and start fighting one, but as soon as I hit it, it started running off after the other people. Almeth and I gave chase, but we could never get in range close enough to actually hit it and get it to stop chasing those other people. Then it seemed like when they got to the zone line, they just stopped running and then decided to start fighting them. This was pissing Almeth and I off, as we'd try to grab something and somehow they'd have it claimed. Eventually, we were able to get one aside and start wacking at it...and then the retards zoned anyways (??), and for whatever reason, instead of despawning like it should have, it linked to the one we were fighting. It wasn't a big deal, just annoying as shit.
Yesterday was actually one of the more active days in the linkshell, with the number of people signed in. Chrimsun showed up for the Tuesday static (unfortunately he didn't get the memo that it was changed to wednesdays...sorry Chrim ; ;), Kamiku was online, as well as Mikers. Almeth and I were focusing on killing shit, so we weren't very talkative, but we chatted a little back and forth as we were able.
Kamiku offered to help Almeth get an uber Dagger for his Thief, the Hornetneedle, so as soon as we finished off our Empress Bands, we started making our way back to Jeuno to dump some shit and so I could change jobs to White Mage. On our way through Rolanberry Fields, we stopped to kill any Goobbues we could find, partly for the drops, partly for some revenge on Almeth's part (guess he died to a few when he played FFXI back in the day). They were stingy bitches, however, and we only got a dumpy Dahlia flower.
Goobbues, yet another of the really strange looking things that wander around Vana'Diel.
Yesterday was actually one of the more active days in the linkshell, with the number of people signed in. Chrimsun showed up for the Tuesday static (unfortunately he didn't get the memo that it was changed to wednesdays...sorry Chrim ; ;), Kamiku was online, as well as Mikers. Almeth and I were focusing on killing shit, so we weren't very talkative, but we chatted a little back and forth as we were able.
Kamiku offered to help Almeth get an uber Dagger for his Thief, the Hornetneedle, so as soon as we finished off our Empress Bands, we started making our way back to Jeuno to dump some shit and so I could change jobs to White Mage. On our way through Rolanberry Fields, we stopped to kill any Goobbues we could find, partly for the drops, partly for some revenge on Almeth's part (guess he died to a few when he played FFXI back in the day). They were stingy bitches, however, and we only got a dumpy Dahlia flower.

Back in Jeuno, we dumped whatever shit we could, and I Teleport-Yhoat'd us so we could make our way to the Temple of Uggalepih (henceforth known as "The Temple of Ugly", a very apt name for a very angry area ^^).
Kamiku got the Hornetneedle for Almeth pretty much as soon as we got there, and as we had some free time, he made a try and getting Almeth another dagger in a different part of the zone. For this, we actually had to make our way through the first part of the Temple of Ugly, so I had to Sneak and Invis Almeth and I through some really angry shit, and my Sneak's and Invis's suck ass, so it was kinda scary dodging shit, watching "The effect of Sneak is about to wear off" scroll up my chat log. At any rate, we made it, and once we got to our destination, Almeth and I pretty much sat and bullshitted back and forth while Kamiku ran off and did whatever it was that he had to do.
Without Kamiku, this thing would have dropped us in like 1 hit. I couldn't even hit the freakin thing...
Kamiku got the Hornetneedle for Almeth pretty much as soon as we got there, and as we had some free time, he made a try and getting Almeth another dagger in a different part of the zone. For this, we actually had to make our way through the first part of the Temple of Ugly, so I had to Sneak and Invis Almeth and I through some really angry shit, and my Sneak's and Invis's suck ass, so it was kinda scary dodging shit, watching "The effect of Sneak is about to wear off" scroll up my chat log. At any rate, we made it, and once we got to our destination, Almeth and I pretty much sat and bullshitted back and forth while Kamiku ran off and did whatever it was that he had to do.

At any rate, Kamiku ran around farming for the item he needs, but unfortunately ate an "Everyones Grudge" for like 2k at one point, and as me trying to get to him to Raise him woulda been like trying to walk through Hell itself, we called it a night. Before Almeth and I teleported out of there, we ran outside to get a picture together, 'cause it is a pretty neat looking area...
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