The first item on the agenda was getting Reflaa his G1 items. When Almeth and I had done this a few weeks ago, we pretty much just sat inside the zone line while Kamiku ran in and annihilated everything. Since there was 5 of us running around this time, and Amedelie was keen to find the treasure coffer down there for the RNG A.F. hands, we decided to try and actually run around in there together. I bet you can guess how that turned out...

Death Tally at this point: 2. One for Reflaa after aggroing a bat, which turned into like 12 bats, 3 skeletons, and God knows what else, and one for Amedelie, biting it to a Tough Siege Bat after Almeth and I decided to try and trio it. Kamiku was off running around looking for the coffer, and I was too busy freaking the fuck out to get a screenshot. I know, I fail...luckily, Kamiku got the Bomb Coal for Reflaa before he died, so at least that G1 item was in the bag.
Since Reflaa and Amedelie both got a free trip back to Jeuno, and Kamiku's search for the coffer now had no point (there were a bunch of peeps running around down there looking for it anyways), it was time to get the fuck out of Dodge. Luckily for Almeth and I, we both forgot to grab instant warp scrolls, so we got to experience what it's like to run through this horrifying shit together. I didn't get any screenshots of that pleasant run, either...again, too busy freaking out and crapping myself.
The next step was to get Reflaa the Exoray Mold and Ancient Papyrus, and since there was really no way Almeth and I could help (unless you count us running in there like lunatics and dying instantly helping), we decided to take a quick trip back to the Rolanberry Fields (S) to duo for a bit while we waited for Kamiku and Reflaa. Amedelie came back with us for a few minutes, but then decided to run off and do something else. I really don't remember what it was now, but it really doesn't matter.
Thank God you can't actually hit your party members in this game, because I'm a Grand Master in the "Flail your arms about like a crazy person" fighting style.
Since Reflaa and Amedelie both got a free trip back to Jeuno, and Kamiku's search for the coffer now had no point (there were a bunch of peeps running around down there looking for it anyways), it was time to get the fuck out of Dodge. Luckily for Almeth and I, we both forgot to grab instant warp scrolls, so we got to experience what it's like to run through this horrifying shit together. I didn't get any screenshots of that pleasant run, either...again, too busy freaking out and crapping myself.
The next step was to get Reflaa the Exoray Mold and Ancient Papyrus, and since there was really no way Almeth and I could help (unless you count us running in there like lunatics and dying instantly helping), we decided to take a quick trip back to the Rolanberry Fields (S) to duo for a bit while we waited for Kamiku and Reflaa. Amedelie came back with us for a few minutes, but then decided to run off and do something else. I really don't remember what it was now, but it really doesn't matter.

I had to run off and take care of some things for a little while, so I'm assuming that things went well and Reflaa got all his G1 items collected. When I returned, Amedelie was busy helping Reflaa through the prerequisites for his A.F. weapon, the Razor Axe, and San d'Oria Mission 3-1, Infiltrate Davoi. Almeth was already on the scene in Davoi, killing shit trying to Pop the NM Hawkeyed Dnatbat for an Archer's Knife, so I just made my way over to him to help out while we waited for the others to arrive. Luckily, I arrived just in time, as Almeth was fighting like 4 Orcs at once because, well, that's how Almeth does it. Being directionally challenged, I of course took all kinds of wrong turns, but eventually I caught up with him, popped my 2 hour, and finished the fight without a hitch. We were fighting a couple Orcs, minding our own business, when like every orc in the fucking zone came screaming by. Once again, I damn near soiled myself...I wasn't paying attention and never saw the person they must have been chasing. The brief moment of "Holy God, what the fuck did we get ourselves into this time?!" was soon replaced by Almeth and I laughing hysterically as the Orcs kept coming, and coming, and coming, and coming...
Seriously, I wonder if this person really knew exactly how many Orcs they managed to link. I can't believe the whole server didn't Blue Screen.
Just when you think that's the last of them, 20 more come flying by. This has got to be, literally, every Orc in the zone.
"Okay, fine Almeth, I'll run out and hold an apple over my head, but I swear to Christ if I catch a bolt in the eye I'm gonna be fuckin' pissed..."
Not long after all that, the rest of the crew arrived and we got down to business. Reflaa's A.F. weapon required fighting a couple of NMs, Gavotvut and Barakbok, so we all formed up and got together at the spawn point to bring them out and kick their ass. It almost wasn't fair, with us having two 75's and three 50's involved, but I stress almost...I've eaten enough deaths to Orc's over the years to not give a shit about fair.
"Look, we both know there's no way for you to win this fight, so why don't we just skip the formalities and you just give us what we came here for? No can do? Well, alright, if you insist..."
Almeth and I continued working on trying to pop the NM he was looking for, but we were shit out of luck, as he never showed. Oh well, you win some, you lose some...we still had a pretty productive evening. Kamiku and Amedelie were off fighting an NM in Monastic Caverns (and who knows what else?) for reasons I'm not entirely sure of, but after they were done whatever they were doing, we all decided to call it an evening, Amedelie hooked me up with a Teleport-Holla, and I made my way to San d'Oria, where I promptly logged off.
And so concludes the evening's adventure. Stay tuned for our next episode of The Reflaa Chronicles: Reflaa versus Delkfutt's Tower, coming next week!

Not long after all that, the rest of the crew arrived and we got down to business. Reflaa's A.F. weapon required fighting a couple of NMs, Gavotvut and Barakbok, so we all formed up and got together at the spawn point to bring them out and kick their ass. It almost wasn't fair, with us having two 75's and three 50's involved, but I stress almost...I've eaten enough deaths to Orc's over the years to not give a shit about fair.

With the Sword Grip Material in hand for his A.F. weapon, Reflaa stuck around for a bit to kill the various Orcs and such with Almeth and I, while Kamiku and Amedelie ran off together to farm for a Davoi Chest Key. Not too long after they left, Reflaa headed back to Sandy to finish up some loose ends with his missions, and logged off for the night.
Unfortunately, there was some terrible aggro and links, and both Amedelie and Kamiku bought the farm. I wasn't there to witness it personally, but I figure if it was bad enough to put down a couple of 75's, I'm pretty glad I wasn't there, if you know what I mean. Luckily, there was a White Mage in the area, and after a quick tell begging her to take care of my peeps, she obliged, and Kamiku and Amedelie were back on their feet. This brings our Death Tally for the evening to 4: Amedelie in first place with 2 deaths (on two different jobs, good work Ame! ^^), and Kamiku and Reflaa tied for second with one a piece.
Unfortunately, there was some terrible aggro and links, and both Amedelie and Kamiku bought the farm. I wasn't there to witness it personally, but I figure if it was bad enough to put down a couple of 75's, I'm pretty glad I wasn't there, if you know what I mean. Luckily, there was a White Mage in the area, and after a quick tell begging her to take care of my peeps, she obliged, and Kamiku and Amedelie were back on their feet. This brings our Death Tally for the evening to 4: Amedelie in first place with 2 deaths (on two different jobs, good work Ame! ^^), and Kamiku and Reflaa tied for second with one a piece.
Almeth and I continued working on trying to pop the NM he was looking for, but we were shit out of luck, as he never showed. Oh well, you win some, you lose some...we still had a pretty productive evening. Kamiku and Amedelie were off fighting an NM in Monastic Caverns (and who knows what else?) for reasons I'm not entirely sure of, but after they were done whatever they were doing, we all decided to call it an evening, Amedelie hooked me up with a Teleport-Holla, and I made my way to San d'Oria, where I promptly logged off.
And so concludes the evening's adventure. Stay tuned for our next episode of The Reflaa Chronicles: Reflaa versus Delkfutt's Tower, coming next week!
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