One fly in the ointment was my lack of an Ordelle Chest Key. Almeth and I both swore to freakin' God that I had one, but for some reason I didn't when we started making preperations to go down there. I still don't know what the hell happened there, but as it's really easy to farm off of the mobs down there, we headed on down to Ordelle. Turned out, it didn't matter anyways, I think we ended up getting like 6 Ordelle Chest Keys while we were down there, which was pretty funny.
At any rate, we killed the Aroma Leech and no drop (I thought it was a 100% drop since Almeth got it on his first try, but I got the finger), and since it has a 30 minute respawn timer, we headed down into the basement to continue hunting for the chest, kill any Stroper Chimes we see to try and get a Shikaree Knife, and kill the Napalms that hang around for a Flaming Degen, needed to get the map of Castle Zvahl. Unfortunately we got none of those things as we ran around, but we did manage to get my Magical Pattern. Before we left Ordelle, the Aroma Leech was up again, so we killed it...and once again, no drop. This goddamn game, I swear...
While we were fucking around in Ordelle, LS member Godzillax showed up, and asked what we were up to. Since we were soon to be getting done where we were, and Almeth was keen on getting some exp, we invited him to join us in a Trio party somewhere...we hadn't quite figured that out yet. After some research Almeth suggested Garlaige Citadel, to work on bats down in the basement of the place. Since we were in Sandy, Almeth and I jumped on a boat towards Jeuno, and Godzilla waited for us there.

At any rate, we got to Jeuno, invited Godzilla, made our preperations, and made our way through Sauromugue Champaign to Garlaige. I'd been down here before, but only actually levelled in here once...waaaayyy back in the day, I remember coming out here as like a level 30-something Monk with Amedelie, and I hated the zone. I remember having to constantly stop what we were doing to run for the zone line when Beetle's and Bat's linked and in general, it sucked. However, down in the basement at 49, it really ain't so bad.
These little bats were a real bitch in the beginning, but as we got in our groove they went down pretty easily.

With Almeth pulling as THF/NIN, Godzillax tanking as NIN/WAR, and me healing us as DNC/NIN, we were pretty much unstoppable. It took me a little bit to get a decent TP buffer built up, as my dagger skill was kinda weak when we started, but I started getting skill ups, hence I started connecting more, and eventually the TP issue went out the window. I actually managed to cap out my dagger skill to a level 49 , which is awesome; I'm still a little behind where I should be at 51/52, but I'm a hell of a lot closer now then I was.
The competition was getting more and more fierce for the bats the longer we were down there; there was one party in particular that was checking us over and over again...I seriously wanted to ask them what the fuck their problem was. Almeth figured it was probably because we were just such uber leet sauce and we were three manning the shit that they needed a whole party to put down. At any rate, things were still fine, but then another party decided to come in and camp right on top of us.
Seriously, when did it become standard practice to camp right on top of another group? I mean, I have never seen such an issue with that shit as I have lately. Ever since the level sync it seems like party etiquette has gone right out the window. Anyone that reads this, do me a favor: Don't camp on top of other parties. It's annoying, if they got there first, suck it up and move on. There's plenty of other places to level in Vana'Diel.
At any rate, Almeth got 50 ({Congratulations!}{Good Job!}), and since Godzillax was passing out at the keyboard, we called it a night. All in all, a very productive evening, and a good time for Bahamut's Dreadnought. :)
The competition was getting more and more fierce for the bats the longer we were down there; there was one party in particular that was checking us over and over again...I seriously wanted to ask them what the fuck their problem was. Almeth figured it was probably because we were just such uber leet sauce and we were three manning the shit that they needed a whole party to put down. At any rate, things were still fine, but then another party decided to come in and camp right on top of us.
Seriously, when did it become standard practice to camp right on top of another group? I mean, I have never seen such an issue with that shit as I have lately. Ever since the level sync it seems like party etiquette has gone right out the window. Anyone that reads this, do me a favor: Don't camp on top of other parties. It's annoying, if they got there first, suck it up and move on. There's plenty of other places to level in Vana'Diel.
At any rate, Almeth got 50 ({Congratulations!}{Good Job!}), and since Godzillax was passing out at the keyboard, we called it a night. All in all, a very productive evening, and a good time for Bahamut's Dreadnought. :)
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