I decided to come out as my DNC again, even though my level is still capped at 50, because I just love the job, I was already pretty much geared up, and I wanted to try and get some Dagger skillups. Of course, this meant a lot more running around for us as we had to chocobo all over as opposed to me just teleporting us around, which kinda sucked, but you gotta do what you gotta do. First step was heading out to Selbina to trigger the A.F. quest for Almeth.
We got the quest triggered, and since there's no way to get a chocobo in Selbina, we had to run out to the Crag of Dem on foot to get another one. Got us another Chocobo, and made our way out to Beadeaux.
Upon arriving at Beadeaux, we started making our way to the spawn area of De'Vyu Headhunter. As we were running out there we noticed that a different NM, Ge'Dha Evileye, was out running around; as he potentially drops a couple of pieces of gear that are worth a decent amount on the Auction Hall, we grabbed him and stomped his ass out. Unfortunately, we didn't get the good drops...we got a garbage Scroll of Sneak instead. We weren't to upset about it though, as he was an opportunity kill, and not really on the agenda anyways.
The quest to get the THF A.F. weapon involves stealing a bowl of Quadav Stew from Silver, Bronze, Zircon, and Garnet Quadav's, all of which are running around all over the place on the way to De'Vyu Headhunter, so it was simple matter of killing them while Almeth tries to steal the Quadav Stew from behind. The Job Ability "Steal" has a 5 minute recast, so we figured it might take a few mobs to get the stew. Of course, we didn't think it was gonna take like 2 hours to get the stew, either...so that really sucked. I had done it before with Amedelie, and it took a little while to steal one then, too, but not nearly as long as it did Friday night.
So yeah, I can't remember if we actually got the stew before or after we came across De'Vyu Headhunter, but after what seemed like an eternity we finally got it, shed a few tears of joy, and began working on some other things on the agenda. We actually just killed De'Vyu Headhunter as part of the Magicite mission a few days ago, but the drop required for that is actually required to do another quest, as well, called "The Rescue", the reward of which is 3k and a map of Ranguemont Pass. As not having a map of an area really sucks when you're trying to navigate through it, we made it a point to try and bang that out. Of course, it helps if you actually read the details of the quest closely to make sure you do all the steps...which I learned first hand after we attempted to turn in the item later and the NPC stared at me like I was retarded. /sigh...
At any rate, we got the stew we needed, got the Quadav Charm we thought we needed, and decided to finish our night in Beadeaux camping another NM, Da'Dha Hundredmask. Da'Dha drops a Mithran Scimitar, a sword Almeth is keen on getting for his Blue Mage. We killed him before in another trip and got a Parrying Knife, which is a decent dagger, also, but we were really gunning for the sword. We hadn't really noticed anyone else camping him, so we figured we could pop him pretty quickly.
Well, we all know what happens when you assume something, and tonight was no different. After an hour and 40 minutes or so (and an angry /slap from some noob that was farming), he finally decides to come out and play, and we put his ass down. Of course, we got another Parrying Knife, which really sucks...as Almeth already had one from last time, I took this one...I'll use it sometime, I'm sure. I would have rather gotten Almeth his sword, but as we are going to have to come back out here again to finish that other quest I fucked up, we'll get another chance here soon. A good thing about camping him was we killed tons of Old Quadav's (what the noob was farming) while we waited and got a fair number of Quadav Helms, which can be turned in for 900 gil a piece to an NPC in Bastok, so we made a little money as well, which is always nice.

Although getting the stew was pretty frustrating, and the aforementioned issues I had with reading comprehension in "The Recue" quest, it was a pretty productive night. Almeth got his A.F. weapon, which was our main goal of the evening, so the night was definitely a win in my book. In closing, I'd like to share the video of us fighting 2 of the 3 NMs we took on (I forgot to record the first one lol). Tonight we are going to be working on getting Almeth his Racial Gear...wish us luck!
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