Last night we trio'd in Yuhtunga Jungle, and we did pretty well I'd say. Our trio was comprised of me as a NIN/WAR, Amedelie as DNC/NIN, and Almeth as BLU/NIN. One thing I have to say right off the bat is that I love parties where everyone has Ninja...everyone being able to cast "Utsusemi: Ichi" really makes the fights much easier to get through, although it is a bit of a bitch for hate management at times. Anyways, we worked on the Mandy's exclusively for a bit, as they were all checking VT and T so we were getting pretty good experience. The three of us are a great trio, let me tell ya. Amedelie, as DNC, can pretty much heal for days, while Almeth as Blue Mage has some pretty heavy duty spells to drop on these mobs (and a stun for Bomb Toss), and obviously since we all have shadows makes things easier there, too.

After we got ran up on by an IT Goblin Smithy, and managed to acually put the bitch down without taking too much of a beating, we decided to work them into our chains as well. Yuhtunga was pretty crowded yesterday, I remember seeing 2 full 6 man parties near the front of the zone, and there were a couple duo's running around. One asshole in particular, who shall remain nameless ('cause I can't remember ^^), was out there as a 37 Dragoon, soloing with his Dragon and his NPC friend. Or course, with all of Yuhtunga available for him to level in, he decides the best place to fight what must have been EP's and DC's to him was right fucking next to us. Then, he finally dips out and another duo shows up and camps right on top of us. All in all, it was pretty damn rough out there yesterday, and I think that I'm gonna push for us to avoid that place unless absolutely necessary in the future...just too much competition for mobs.

After Almeth got 30, we took a break to eat and stuff, and made our way to Bibiki Bay. While we were on our way back to Kazham, another LS member (GodzillaX) popped on to say hi, and the three of us quickly recruited him into our little trio. Almeth switched jobs from Blue Mage to Thief, so our new party layout was NIN,NIN, THF, DNC. We had some challenges at first (since we all had shadows I was content to let hate bounce around as in our last party, but forgot to consider that Almeth needs the mob to be facing a certain way for his THF wseapon skills, so he was getting frustrated and angry ^^). At any rate, despite some minor hiccups in the beginning, we did alright...although having so much going on at the same time made it hard to follow the battle a bit. Poor Amedelie bit it twice, I bit it once, while Almeth "Flee'd" and lived with like 11 HP to spare. Luckily we had raises available, because getting back out to Bibiki Bay would have taken a while if we'd have had to Home Point.
Anyways, despite some trouble, we did pretty good, I got my NIN to 33, so I only have to get 4 more levels before I can put it on the shelf and never touch it again. Not that I
hate the job, it's just so damn expensive, if you play it the way it's supposed to be played. I don't, but it still cost's a fortune...and I'm too greedy ^^
Should be another party tonight...hopefully we'll all get a couple more levels.
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