Anyways, back to the yeah, Almeth and I were questing around the day before, so we both met up in Northern San d'Oria, I Teleport-Altepa'd us, and we met up with Amedelie in Western Altepa Desert, who was waiting for us at the camp we partied at the other night. We were a couple levels higher this time out, but the Beetles were just a little too hard for just the three of us. We coulda killed them, but it woulda been rough as hell and the downtime between mobs while I had to rest back all my MP woulda been long enough to drive us insane. So, after fighting one mob, we said "Fuck it" and ran back across the zone into Eastern Altepa Desert, to hit up our old camp and work on the Gobs that run around by the outpost.

So, we hung out by the tent at the outpost, slaughtering Gobs by the thousands. The experience was a little weak at times, but at least we were relatively safe from harm. I decided to melee alongside Almeth and Amedelie to try and get some Club skill ups, and I actually did manage to get a few this time, which was awesome. We had a great skillchain set up; Almeth would SATA-Hide-Viper Bite, Amedelie would Flaming Arrow, and when I was able, I would Seraph Strike and then cast Banish for the magic burst. Since the mobs were a little weak anyways, that would usually be enough right there to put them down, or at least get them pretty close to death. We did catch some really bitchy Bomb Tosses at times, but all in all it was ok.

Things progressed well, but eventually another party showed up and started stealing all of our mobs. It was actually a little strange, people kept showing up at the outpost, and they'd be all up in our business, checking us and talking to us and shit. It seriously felt like they'd never seen a trio before or something. At any rate, Almeth was running farther and farther away to find Gobs for us to kill, so a move was in order. We packed up our shit and and made camp on the other side of the Oasis, where there were Antican's roaming around for Almeth to pull when Gobs got hard to find.
Our new camp was a little more dangerous then the one we just left, mainly because mobs had a nasty habit of just wandering on over while we were trying to fight shit. Since links can quickly lead to death, it was a little frustrating at times having to move around constantly to avoid them. Things progressed a little more slowly then they did before, but we were making good progress. Unfortunately, tragedy struck, and I ended up eating it...I don't remember if it was a Lost Soul or an Antican that killed me that first time, but luckily I had Reraise up so it wasn't too big of a deal, just annoying. The really annoying part came as I lay there dead...when you come back to life after being raised, you have extremely low health. The Lost Souls (skeletons) actually aggro to low health, and they have a pretty big aggro range, so I had to wait until the coast was clear before I could stand back up...otherwise, they would have just ran over and killed me again, and I ain't having that shit. Fuck that...I've given this goddamn desert enough deaths over the last few days...

Eventually, the Gobs and Skeletons finally gave me a break and stopped humping my corpse, so I rejoined the land of the living and waited for the death sickness to wear. I recast Reraise on myself (you can really see how important that shit is out here) and we got back to business.
Things went on as usual for a while; Almeth was edging closer and closer to 47, which was our main goal of the evening. Swapping back and forth between Anticans and Gobs, we we're doing ok. Almeth discovered that, since Anticans aggro by smell as well as sight, his Hide ability was useless against them, so that kinda sucked, but we adapted. So far, with only one death under our belt, we were actually doing pretty good, comparitively. Can you guess what happened next?

Wise men say, "A picture is worth a thousand words...", and I feel that the above picture is sufficient explanation of what happened next. Needless to say, with Almeth so close to levelling, and the end of our adventures in the desert for the night in sight, that wipe really pissed us off. As with the death I ate earlier, the mobs in the immediate vicinity decided that the best place for them to hang out and play with themselves was right on top of our corpses, so I had to wait a while before the coast was clear and I could bring myself back to life. The delay was made even worse when, even after I was able to raise safely, the mobs decided to crowd Almeth and Amedelie's bodies, so again we played the waiting game. Eventually, I was able to raise us all, our collective sickness wore after what seemed like an eternity, and we got back to business and pushed to get Almeth the last 1000 exp or so he needed.
At that point, the game decided to have mercy on us, and we were able to finish off Almeth's level pretty uneventfully. In the end the Death Scoreboard stood with me in first with 2 deaths (I win I win!! /wrists), and Amedelie and Almeth tied for second with 1 each. To some parties, 4 deaths would be considered a bad evening...but compared to the last few parties we've had, I consider only 4 deaths to be a win. Like I said, this is Bahamut's Dreadnought we're talking about here...we don't fuck around! :)
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