Another excellent night in our little trio. Party was DNC/NIN (Amedelie), THF/NIN (Almeth) and NIN/WAR (me). I was getting pretty low on shihei, so I got Almeth to make me some more. He's currently working on skilling up his woodworking, so it works out well for both of us. Black Ink was pricey on the Jeuno A.H. at that moment, so Amedelie offered to make some for us. After some mild stupidity on my part (bought single items instead of stacks; need to stop rushing and pay attention more!) we secured enough materials to make an ass load of Black Ink. I grabbed the rest of the mats, Almeth flagged down someone that was kind enough to give us a Teleport-Mea (for a small fee) and we were on our way.

Got out to Bibiki Bay after a short Chocobo ride, and Amedelie started synthing some Ink while we got ourselves prepared. We started off with some easier shit, so Amedelie could get some TP built up. All in all, we worked on Dhalmels, Hares, and Ravens. The Dhalmels were a joke most of the night, although when Earthsday rolled around they got much tougher, and we all caught a really nasty Stomp at some point. The worst would have to be the Ravens...they were a real son of a bitch at times. We joked about how we think there are GM's controlling the mobs, since it seems like they only seem to turn around when Almeth is getting ready to SATA them, or when someone is trying to get shadows up.

At any rate, despite some pretty close calls with links and really pissed off mobs foot kicking us for like 300 damage, we owned 'Biki Bay's face. I do have to say I was quite impressed with Almeth's Sneak Attack-Trick Attack-Viper Bite, he would drop that to close our skillchain, and it dropped like a fucking atom bomb on those rabbits and ravens, which shortened up the fights tons. Since pulling hate off of Amedelie after that was pretty much impossible, I became the SATA receiver, but a couple of Curing Samba II's later and Ame would pull hate off of me quite nicely, making it much easier to direct the mob when shadows dropped and we started getting pummeled. It's amazing how hard a tiny little rabbit can beat your face in when it's pissed off out there. ^^
All in all, we all gained a couple levels, I got some great skillups on my Ninjutsu and Katana, and had a pretty damn good evening. I have a level and a half left to level Ninja to 37, which we should be able to get easily tomorrow. After Ninja, I've got WHM to level, and SCH as well, so should be interesting couple of days party-wise. ^^
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