Sunday, April 26, 2009

Three Notorious Monsters

Here's the video of the Yagudo Muralist fight, from the earlier posted about "Picture Perfect" quest. The fight was a little short by itself, so I rolled a couple of other fights into the video as well; Dame Blanche is the second clip, we decided to try and pop her while we were in Korroloka Tunnel, she popped, we kicked her ass, and got 60k in drops to split (not bad at all ^^). Lastly is Fraelissa, who we actually killed the other day after we finished the Orcish Warlord off. She was more of a "eh, fuck it" kill, she drops the Almogavar Bow, but we didn't get it (nor need it, to be honest).

Anyways, enjoy:

I still think my Adventuring Fellow is a waste of oxygen...

Some Random Photos, and the most annoying quest I've done yet...

First up, the random photos:

Level 28 Party, Yhoator Jungle [BLM, WHM, SCH, PLD, THF, NIN]

Weird texture issues in Ranguemont Pass...

"Ok, so Campaign Battle in Crawler's Nest was a bad idea..."

Killing an Ice Elemental in Beaucedine Glacier, on the way to Fei'Yin

Leveling the Adventuring Fellows in King Ranperre's Tomb

Do a Barrel Roll!

Almeth gets mauled by a couple beetles...

Fucking annoying scorpions!

Killing ghosts, trying to pop Dame Blanche; we were in the neighborhood... ^^

Almeth and I's Adventuring Fellows finally dinged 50 yesterday, so that meant that we had to do a quest, "Picture Perfect" to raise their level cap from 50 to 55. Similar to the regular Limit Breaks that everybody does at some point, except for it was really fucking annoying. We spent hours doing this stupid quest with all the travel, here's a photo synopsis of the quest:

First, you gotta talk to this dumb bitch and do a prerequisite quest that nobody ever does, "A Pose By Any Other Name". Bonus points for figuring this out before you attempt to do "Picture Perfect"...

Then you have to go all the way to fucking Selbina to talk to this mega-douche, Diederik, where he bitches and moans about losing a painting or some shit, cause he's an idiot...

Then you go all the way to fucking Bastok and talk to this old bastard, Umberto, who tells Diederik to hand over his goddamn painting already...

Diederik wraps a generic painting up in copious amounts of childproof packaging, because nothing is funnier then watching an arthritic old man struggle in pain trying to open a package.

Diederik then bullshits Umberto into leaving the painting be for now while he stalls for time getting a replacement; Umberto is fucking pissed, and wants us to get him a Bal Shell from Korroloka Tunnel. Since Umberto is a huge fucking douchebag, this task falls to me, even though he's the dipshit that fucked up in the first place...

Run your ass all the way to Korroloka Tunnel to dig up the stupid Bal Shell from one of like three excavation points in the whole fucking zone. Fuck you, Diederik...

Back to Bastok to give Umberto the Bal Shell, he shits bricks, and Diederik runs off back to Selbina like the little bitch he is...


Your adventuring fellow runs off to Windurst to talk Angelica into making another painting for the old man, even though he's so senile at this point you could staple a dead bird to the wall, tell him it's a painting, and he wouldn't know the damn difference.

Angelica explains that she can't do a damn thing unless Fhig runs off to get her an Opalescent Stone, which conveniently drops off of a Yagudo NM in Castle Oztroja, which makes no fucking sense but, as this whole quest is a big pile of shit already, why stop now? Fhig makes her way to Oztroja...

After all that stupid shit, you have to go back to fucking Selbina to talk to Diederik again, since apparently he couldn't tell you this shit WHILE HE WAS FUCKING STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU IN BASTOK!

Diederik gives you some good news...HE FOUND THE FUCKING PAINTING AFTER ALL, so all the running around was a big fucking waste of your time. As you are strangling him to death, he fills you in on how your Adventuring Fellow is doing with the whole "Get the Opalescent Stone from the NM in Castle Oztroja" thing....Who wants to to take a guess as to how it's working out? Let's just say, a trip to FUCKING CASTLE OZTROJA is on the itenerary now...

You stupid useless bitch...

NM FIGHT (video to come later)

Back to Windurst (kill me) to talk to Angelica again, who tells you that she heard that she didn't have to do the painting again, but she wants to do it again anyways, because the first one was a big bag of shit. You'd think I'd be off the hook at this point, but nope...I get to be the fucking delivery boy yet again!!

"Almost done, just a little embellishment over here...."

She puts the finishing touches on the painting while Fhig looks on in dismay. Angelica explains that as Umberto is blind as a fucking bat it really makes no damn difference either way...meanwhile I'm outside trying to cut my wrists with a rusty butterknife.

With the painting finally fucking done, I make my way to Bastok for like the thirteenth time today to give it to this old bastard. Notice that it's like dead of night; that's right ladies and gentlemen, this quest took fucking HOURS...

Diederik, Fhig and I look on in horror as Umberto stares off into the distance, reminiscing on his younger days, whilst simultaneously pissing and shitting himself. Who says old age isn't fun?

Quick shot of the two most useless people ever to walk the face of Vana'diel. Umberto and Fhig Larv everyone! Let's hear it!!

So ends the most annoying quest I've ever had the good fortune to have to do in this game before. BRB, buying a poison potion to off myself...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Some random photo's...

Been a while since I posted; been doing the same shit we always's some highlights:

"Oh look, they're mating..."

Son of a bitch...

Full party in Qufim; an old friend, Maraxis, came out and joined us with his friend Vigo. Fun times, and a very productive party ^^

Yay, Evisceration!! Time to really fuck shit up!

You'd think I'd know better then to try and cross this fucking bridge during a Campaign battle, but nope...

Almeth giving me a hand farming a scroll of Reraise II. S-E recently lowered the level WHM get's it, and since it was going for 30k, I decided to farm it rather then spend the money...cause I'm a cheap ass.

Almeth and I being proactive, farming a Burning Hakutaku Eye; one of five "eyes" needed to craft a Hakutaku Eye Cluster, used to spawn Hakutaku and hopefully get an Optical Hat one day.

The resulting pile of goo after rocking it's face ^^

Just before spawning and killing Polevik for Amedelie, as part of the first PLD AF quest for the Honor Sword.

Farming Boyahda Moss and Tree Cuttings off of Goobbue Gardeners in Sanctuary of Zi'Tah...

Duoing in Boyahda Tree, helping Ame get Weaponskill points to break the latent on the Bow of Trials and get the Archery WS Empyreal Arrow.

4-manning in Yuhtunga Jungle, me as SCH, Ame as PLD, Almeth as DNC, and Kamiku as SAM.

Kamiku had to go, so we swapped in Reflaa's NIN, to get him closer to 37. Still got a ways to go yet, but we're getting there :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tribunis VII-I

Just another NM fight video today, killing Tribunis VII-I in Quicksand Caves, trying to get a Tungi for Kamiku. It didn't drop on this run, but the second attempt later gave it up. Congrats Kami! ^^

Piece of cake, but in retrospect I really need to start moving around to the fron't side of these mobs...all anybody ever sees is me stabbing shit in the ass lol...


Monday, April 6, 2009

Orcish Warlord...

I logged on yesterday to do some catch up work on my DNC, getting it to 72 so I wasn't all behind Amedelie and Almeth, and even though it was late, Almeth happened to be on, getting ready to kill an NM in Monastic Cavern, the Orcish Warlord. There wasn't any pressing need to kill this guy or anything; he was up, and we can't allow NM's to wander around unchallenged, now can we?

This guy was a chump, although he hit kinda hard. Nothing we couldn't handle, though. It's in HD, even!! YAY!!!!

More to come... ^^

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quick video...

In light of the new update coming out soon, and 2 new gobbiebag quests, Almeth and I made it a point to finish up the final two we still needed to do yet. We had most of the expensive ingredients already, as they are rewards from Wings of the Goddess missions, save one: an Adaman Ingot. As this goes for anywhere between 80k-100k, we obviously we're interested in questing it instead of spending our hard earned gilz. It was a bit of bitch with all the prerequisite quests we had to do beforehand, but it was well worth it.

Here's the fight we had to do for the final part of Light in the Darkness:

There was some testimonials from a few people on the wiki that made it seem as if this might be difficult, but it was actually pretty easy. I mean, if you were fighting all these guys at once it might be a bitch, but it's easy enough to get out of the way and work on them in small groups, especially if you take out the Sapphire Quadav, causing them to scatter.

That's all I got for now, ciao!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Petrifying Pair

Last night Almeth, Amedelie and I decided to try and make some money by doing the BCNM 30 Petrifying Pair. We'd done some research on this BCNM, and decided that the "Kite and Fight" strategy looked the most promising for us. Almeth and Ame both geared up as BLU/NIN's and set their spells to give them the "Lizard Killer" trait, and I took the kiting duties, gearing up as RDM/NIN.

Basically, Ame and Alm start pounding on one lizard, while I kite the other around, using Gravity and Bind. Once the first lizard is down, they jump on the one I was kiting, and I go into curing and nuking mode. I was a little nervous at first, but after we completely dominated the first one, that quickly faded away. We did nine runs total, 3 orbs a piece. I, of course, got the dick and recieved nothing but garbage...but Ame and Alm both managed to get themselves a pair of Leaping Boots. {Congratulations!}

{Ass raping}{You can have this.}


The week in pictures...

Been up to a lot lately, leveling and questing and such. Here's some highlights:

Eating another death to Soulstealer Skullnix, on our second attempt to get me a Kard. His triple attack and crazy high accuracy makes him quite a bitch. /sigh...

Fighting trees in Wajaom Woodlands, trying to get a couple Puffballs for the quest Unending Chase.

"Hey! Come back here, prick!!"

What an ugly mug these things have...

Level Sync 16 party in Valkrum Dunes; DNC, NIN, SCH, and BLM.

Amedelie is one of those people, that wear full AF in a Dunes Sync party...LOL

Since when do Gob's in Valkurm Dunes use Paralyna?! What an asshole!!

I just knew dropping Cure Bombs in Besieged was a bad idea...

Level Sync 18 party at the Secret Beach. DNC, DNC, BST, PLD, SCH...can you say mega curing? ^^

This RDM, Hadouken, was bored as shit, so he decided to PL us. What a nice guy! ^^

Since we had not only a PL, but 2 DNC's and a PLD, I really didn't need to do too much curing. Instead, I just switched to Dark Arts and did the DD thing...outside of sitting on my ass and leeching experience, that is. ^^

Not only did he PL us, but he started training every Gob in the zone over to us so we could pull them off of him one at a time and chain constantly. This guy is officially my favorite RDM ever!!

"This is fucking awesome!!!!"

Hadouken, I love you. In a totally platonic, non sexual way, or course...^^