Sunday, April 26, 2009

Three Notorious Monsters

Here's the video of the Yagudo Muralist fight, from the earlier posted about "Picture Perfect" quest. The fight was a little short by itself, so I rolled a couple of other fights into the video as well; Dame Blanche is the second clip, we decided to try and pop her while we were in Korroloka Tunnel, she popped, we kicked her ass, and got 60k in drops to split (not bad at all ^^). Lastly is Fraelissa, who we actually killed the other day after we finished the Orcish Warlord off. She was more of a "eh, fuck it" kill, she drops the Almogavar Bow, but we didn't get it (nor need it, to be honest).

Anyways, enjoy:

I still think my Adventuring Fellow is a waste of oxygen...

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