Sunday night Kamiku helped me out in a big way by helping me get the Yagudo Glue I needed for my Dancer A.F. quest from West Sarutabaruta (S). Since we all needed to unlock the Maws from the Jeuno area out to Windurst, we did yet another epic run through the past. I do have to say that the run from Sauromugue Champaign (S) out to Windy was a
lot easier then the previous trip through Jugner (S). The Yag Glue dropped pretty quickly, so Almeth, Kamiku and I finished up some of the Harvest Festival events and got our Eerie Cloaks and Pitchforks and such, despite some stiff competition from some asshole Blue Mage that was giving us dirty looks and fuming at us the whole time (I think he thought the event was just for him or something, but fuck that guy). After that was completed, we ran out to Valkurm Dunes for a level 18 4-man party, and although 3 of us died at one point during a nasty fight with a Pugil, we managed to get some decent experience in the short time we played, and killed an Empress Band in record time. Party setup was MNK/WAR (Kamiku), BLU/NIN (Almeth), BLM/WHM (Amedelie), and WHM/BLM (me), and it worked out fairly well ^^
At any rate, on to the screenshots...
Beating the piss out of a crab...Amedelie is off to the side dropping those Black Mage bombs again...
Almeth preparing to pull...
The closest I've come to death, without actually dying, in a long time. This is what happens when a White Mage uses Benediction, but it was either that or have another wipe on our hands.
My reward for the Yagudo Glue bullshit, the Dancer's Tights. I can't even wear them for 6 more levels, but in order to get the rest, this needs to be completed. Thanks again to Kamiku for helping me get the item I needed!!!
And the next piece of A.F. gear, the Dancer's Casaque. This quest was actually a joke, I had to do a "dance off" in Upper Jeuno, no fighting involved, just shaking my ass for the crowd. I can't wear this for 8 more levels, either, but I'm all about getting this shit done early :)
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