Now, my main reason for wanting to go into the past was to get the War Hoop, Dancer's A.F. weapon. It's a ranged throwing weapon, kinda like a Frisbee, except for if you were to catch this Frisbee they'd be calling you "Stumpy" for the rest of your days. Anyways, getting the War Hoop required travelling to Grauberg in the past, which I think is the past version of Konschtat Highlands but I could be wrong, and fighting the Migratory Hippogryph to receive a Key Item. Almeth's always down for a good fight, so I knew he had my back... ^^
The only way one can travel between the present and the past is via Cavernous Maws...and the Maws can only be unlocked from the past side to be used in the present. Basically, this meant we were going to have to run all the way there through hordes of really angry shit that wanted us dead. I mean, this is shit that can trouble level 75s. However, Almeth has big nuts, and last I heard, he don't give a fuck about that shit. So when I logged on Saturday, I knew we were going to have that War Hoop by day's end.
So we started our epic journey in Rolanberry Fields (S). [For future reference, any zone with an "(S)" following the name denotes a past area. Don't know why, but that's what they call it in game] Now, there's really very little that we could actually stand a hope in hell of fighting and surviving back here at our levels, so Almeth's ninja sneaking skills got full use in our adventures. Not only was the War Hoop a goal, but as neither of us had those maws unlocked, we made it a point to stop and get every one we could. Sneaking around shit, we made it from Rolanberry Fields (S) pretty easily, and zoned into Pashhow Marshlands (S).

Getting around shit in Pashhow (S) was scary as hell. There are Quadav's running around all over the place, and really angry Peiste's as well (those are the dragon things, so you see the name is surprisingly apt). Almeth and I both had an ample supply of Silent Oils and Prism Powders, but we actually lucked out and didn't need to use any through this zone, as the mobs cooperated and moved so we could run around them, giving them a very wide berth. Not to say that there wasn't times I damn near soiled myself, but luckily neither of us aggro'd anything, as aggroing something here would not have been pretty. Sprinting through Pashhow (S), we made it to the zone into Grauberg (S) unscathed...
Grauberg (S) was goddamn scary. This was the one place where our Silent Oils and Prism Powders would have done no good at all, as many parts of the zone are full of truesight Hippogryphs. Truesight means they can see through invisibility, so all we could do was pray to God we didn't aggro anything and sprint through whatever openings we could. There were some pretty sticky situations there (it really does seem like the mobs sensed what were doing, as they tended to move to cut us off at times), but we managed to make it through, yet again, with no aggro and death. I give Almeth all the credit there...I was busy running up his heels as I alternated between blubbering like a baby and screaming like a little girl.

Once we hit this point, we were pretty much home free. The mobs we did run across, like the Wivre's, were either non-aggresive or weak enough that they were no real danger to us. With a huge sigh of relief, and a stop to change my underware, we continued on to the location of the fight for my A.F. weapon...
All bullshit aside, this is seriously one of the coolest looking areas in the entire game, and well worth the trip.
Sprinting to the Cavernous Maw in Gustaberg (S)

Once we got to our destination, I did a quick check of Ffxiclopedia to double check what we were going to be up against, we made our preperations, and I clicked the "???" to spawn the NM and begin beating it's face in with my fists.
With the Key Item "Essence of Dance" in hand, all that remained was to speak with Laila in Upper Jeuno and the War Hoop would be mine. However, since we were already back here in the past and had run so far, we decided to push on further and make our way to Bastok (S) to unlock any remaining Maws along our route so we wouldn't have to come back here and run through these angry areas again, at least, unless we absolutely had to..
With the Key Item "Essence of Dance" in hand, all that remained was to speak with Laila in Upper Jeuno and the War Hoop would be mine. However, since we were already back here in the past and had run so far, we decided to push on further and make our way to Bastok (S) to unlock any remaining Maws along our route so we wouldn't have to come back here and run through these angry areas again, at least, unless we absolutely had to..

With the Maws opened up all the way to Bastok, we warped back to present day Jeuno so I could turn in my quest. With my new War Hoop, we decided to begin the next quest for my Dancer A.F. gear, "The Road to Divadom", which required yet another trip to the past. Since this took us partway along the route to Sandoria (S), we decided to make the journey together yet again, to unlock more maws and save us time later.
First stop was Battalia Downs (S). Since Almeth didn't yet have this maw unlocked (I already did), I took the opportunity to skill up my throwing with my new War Hoop in the present Battalia Downs while Almeth jogged over to the maw in the past from Rolanberry Fields (S). Once he was through and had the Maw unlocked, we pushed on further to Jugner Forest (S).
Upon zoning into Jugner, there was one scary, and funny, moment. Almeth, being the fearless person he is, was happily charging through when he came across a Biddybug. Those things look like giant ladybugs, and as Almeth wondered if they were aggresive or not, he soon had his answer as one charged him and attempted to eat his face. Popping Flee, he sprinted for the zone line, while I watched in horror. It was like a car accident, I just couldn't take my eyes away. Luckily, we hadn't gone far, so the zone was pretty close...but it still managed to take a decent chunk of health away from him, and without Flee, he probably would have died. Those ladybugs can move...and it just goes to show how the cutest things in Vana'Diel deal out death just as easily as the ugly ones.
With that crisis averted, we made our way to the lake in the north part of Jugner (S) so I could click on some glowy pebbles for the first part of the quest. I clicked on them, some dude showed up and babbled on about playing with his pipe and shit (I dont watch cutscenes, can you tell? ^^), he told me to go get some Yagudo Glue, which drops off of angry Yagudo in Saruatbaruta (S), so the questing portion of our day was done as we got down to the business of unlocking Maws all the way to San d'Oria (S).
First off, I just want to give a big middle finger to Square-Enix, because this trip was a complete bitch. Jugner (S) is all blocked off with walls and shit, so you actually have to run through an adjacent zone, Vunkerl Inlet (S) in order to get around the barriers and continue on to Ronnfaure (S). Whatever happened to La Thiene Plateau, the connecting zone in the present, I have no idea, it just doesn't exist in the past. At any rate, Vunkerl was very angry, with a lot of tight passages filled with Gigas dry humping each other in some goddamn beastmen orgy, so our Prism Powders got a lot of use in that area.
Pausing in relative safety to take a quick picture together. Before you ask, yes, we are gay like that.
First stop was Battalia Downs (S). Since Almeth didn't yet have this maw unlocked (I already did), I took the opportunity to skill up my throwing with my new War Hoop in the present Battalia Downs while Almeth jogged over to the maw in the past from Rolanberry Fields (S). Once he was through and had the Maw unlocked, we pushed on further to Jugner Forest (S).
Upon zoning into Jugner, there was one scary, and funny, moment. Almeth, being the fearless person he is, was happily charging through when he came across a Biddybug. Those things look like giant ladybugs, and as Almeth wondered if they were aggresive or not, he soon had his answer as one charged him and attempted to eat his face. Popping Flee, he sprinted for the zone line, while I watched in horror. It was like a car accident, I just couldn't take my eyes away. Luckily, we hadn't gone far, so the zone was pretty close...but it still managed to take a decent chunk of health away from him, and without Flee, he probably would have died. Those ladybugs can move...and it just goes to show how the cutest things in Vana'Diel deal out death just as easily as the ugly ones.
With that crisis averted, we made our way to the lake in the north part of Jugner (S) so I could click on some glowy pebbles for the first part of the quest. I clicked on them, some dude showed up and babbled on about playing with his pipe and shit (I dont watch cutscenes, can you tell? ^^), he told me to go get some Yagudo Glue, which drops off of angry Yagudo in Saruatbaruta (S), so the questing portion of our day was done as we got down to the business of unlocking Maws all the way to San d'Oria (S).
First off, I just want to give a big middle finger to Square-Enix, because this trip was a complete bitch. Jugner (S) is all blocked off with walls and shit, so you actually have to run through an adjacent zone, Vunkerl Inlet (S) in order to get around the barriers and continue on to Ronnfaure (S). Whatever happened to La Thiene Plateau, the connecting zone in the present, I have no idea, it just doesn't exist in the past. At any rate, Vunkerl was very angry, with a lot of tight passages filled with Gigas dry humping each other in some goddamn beastmen orgy, so our Prism Powders got a lot of use in that area.

We made it through Vunkerl (S) unscathed, and zoning back into Jugner (S), we made our way all the way back north to grab the Recall Crystal and the Maw for this area. About 500 feet from the maw, and safety, Almeth aggro'd a Decrepit Gnole, which quickly became a few Decrepit Gnoles, which quickly became a herd of Decrepit Gnoles and a bunch of Gobs. Popping Flee, Almeth sprinted for the maw to try and pass through, but before the little cutscene could trigger the mobs caught up and quickly killed him. For some random reason, one of the Gnoles broke off the chase and, rather then despawning, turned around and immediately aggro'd me. I tried to sprint my way to the Maw myself, but without Flee there was no freaking way I was gonna make it, and I ended up taking a dirt nap right next to Almeth's corpse.
This presented us with a really huge dilemma. We could return to our respective Home Points, but then we'd have to do this ridiculous hour long trek through Vunkerl again...something I personally equated to eating broken glass. We were really in a bad spot here...since we were dead, there was no way for us to shout for raises or anything, and since we were out in the frigging sticks, the odds of someone running by and shouting for us were pretty damn remote. That's when Almeth had the most brilliant idea I've ever heard in FFXI. I was literally dumbfounded by the pure unadulterated genius. I wanted to have his babies. It was that good...
So we're dead, right? Not much we can do, right? Well, the one thing I could do, which never even occured to me, was to force D/C from the game, log onto my Jeuno mule, and /shout in Lower Jeuno for someone, anyone, to please come back through the Jugner Maw and raise us. I was desperate, and worried that I wouldn't get any responses. However, within moments, I got a response, explained the situation, offered some cold hard cash, and we had a raise inbound. Logging back in to my main, we waited with baited breath for our savior to show up, and not long after, he did. After a quick Raise, we we're back on our feet, tears of joy streaming down our cheeks, as we went through the Maw and got it unlocked. Sabre, if you're reading this, you made our fucking month... ^^
From there, it was a pretty uneventful trip. We got to Ronnfaure, unlocked the final Maw on our itinerary, and stepped into Southern San d'Oria (S). The coolest thing was going into the Mog House, where I found my home looked very different in the past...
Compared to this room, my house in the present is a huge bag of shit.
This presented us with a really huge dilemma. We could return to our respective Home Points, but then we'd have to do this ridiculous hour long trek through Vunkerl again...something I personally equated to eating broken glass. We were really in a bad spot here...since we were dead, there was no way for us to shout for raises or anything, and since we were out in the frigging sticks, the odds of someone running by and shouting for us were pretty damn remote. That's when Almeth had the most brilliant idea I've ever heard in FFXI. I was literally dumbfounded by the pure unadulterated genius. I wanted to have his babies. It was that good...
So we're dead, right? Not much we can do, right? Well, the one thing I could do, which never even occured to me, was to force D/C from the game, log onto my Jeuno mule, and /shout in Lower Jeuno for someone, anyone, to please come back through the Jugner Maw and raise us. I was desperate, and worried that I wouldn't get any responses. However, within moments, I got a response, explained the situation, offered some cold hard cash, and we had a raise inbound. Logging back in to my main, we waited with baited breath for our savior to show up, and not long after, he did. After a quick Raise, we we're back on our feet, tears of joy streaming down our cheeks, as we went through the Maw and got it unlocked. Sabre, if you're reading this, you made our fucking month... ^^
From there, it was a pretty uneventful trip. We got to Ronnfaure, unlocked the final Maw on our itinerary, and stepped into Southern San d'Oria (S). The coolest thing was going into the Mog House, where I found my home looked very different in the past...

At any rate, this concludes our adventures through the past for the day. We got a ton of shit done, saw some really cool shit, and had lots of fun, Bahamut's Dreadnought style.
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