First order of business was heading back out to Beadeaux yet again to finish up that quest that I dicked up the other day. I came out as White Mage, mainly for ease of transportation, and I spent the whole night weeping inside for my's hard to go from a job like Dancer that can pretty much go forever with no downtime and switch to White Mage where you have to constantly rest to get your MP back. In hindsight, I probably should have just stuck with DNC...
Anyways, the quest we were finishing up is called "the Rescue". Basically, you have to go free a couple of people from a jail cell in Beadeaux. We already had the Quadav Charm we needed to open the cell from our previous trip out there, so it was a simple matter of getting there. Of course, the cell is located in the really angry part of Beadeaux, where the mobs would have pretty much crushed our faces, so there was a lot of time spent casting Sneak and Invisible on us, running to a safe place when it inevitably started wearing off, recasting, and so on. It took us a little while to get there, but we managed to make it without aggroing anything, rescued the people, and then got the hell out.
Once we were done with Beadeaux, Almeth and I took a side trip to Pashow Marshlands to get an impression of the stone monument located there, part of a really long quest called "An Explorer's Footsteps". I don't remember the specific reasons why this guy wants these impressions of these monuments (17 in all), but it really doesn't matter. The reward for getting 15 of the 17 monuments is a map of Crawler's Nest, which we are all going to need to get at some point as we have to get some A.F. armor there for the various jobs we're all leveling up. At any rate, we ran out there, got the tablet, I teleported us out of there, and we made our way to Selbina to turn both of these quests in and finish them off.

Story of my life...
While we were completing our quests, Amedelie logged on to skill-up Alchemy, so we all chatted while we ran around. Almeth and I went back to our Home Point's in Jeuno, I grabbed a Siren's Tear that I've been carrying around for months now, and jumped on the boat headed to Bastok. This is the first time I've ever been able to actually use the airships between the cities, and it was quite exciting, lemme me tell you. Actually, it really wasn't that exciting of a trip, but not having to spend the time teleporting and chocoboing out there was awesome. Anyways, got to Bastok, and I went and turned in that Siren's Tear (for a fat 120 gil lolz). Amedelie was just about done with the crafting, and we had a little time to kill, so Almeth walked us through a repeatable quest ("Bait and Switch") to get us all a Key Ring Belt.
"Bait and Switch" is a pain in the ass, not because of the difficulty, but just because there is a lot of stuff to do, and a lot of cutscenes you have to sit through while doing it. The Key Ring Belt dispenses 5 Skeleton Keys a week, and a stack of 12 sells for 40k. After going through it once, I can see why people pay so well for them, but I think it's worth the time to make some fat bank every few weeks. Of course, the only job that can wear the belt and dispense the keys is Thief (makes sense), and you have to be level 20. As my THF is currently level 10, I can't do much with it now, but I have plans to level it up at some point, so I'll be able to use it eventually. By the time we all completed the quest, it was Amedelie's bedtime (congratulations on getting 5 levels in Alchemy!), so Almeth and I waved goodbye and got down to business.
Our main goal of the evening was getting Almeth the remaining 3 pieces he needed of his Race Specific Equipment, R.S.E. for short. These different pieces of gear are meant to balance out the stat differences between the races, and it's one of those things that pretty much everyone has to do at some point. The quest is only available at certain times for certain races (every three days or so in real time), so it was important to use the opportunity. Since the quest involves a lot of travel, I stayed White Mage, Teleport-Mea'd us, and we made our way to The Maze of Shakhrami, today's location for Almeth's R.S.E.

To be honest, getting the first pattern Almeth needed was simple. We split up and searched around for the treasure chest we needed, which moves around all over the zone as people open it. Within 15 minutes of us being down there, Almeth found the first chest, got the "Magic Pattern" he needed, we warped out and he turned it in. There are 4 pieces in all, Almeth had gotten one on his own previously, so we had 2 down, 2 to go. Warp back out to Mea, run over to Shakrami, and work on number 3.
Getting the third piece was a bitch. There was another Mithra down there competing for the treasure chests, so we split up again and resumed our search. Now, it's not called The Maze of Shakrami for nothing...there are 2 levels with interconnecting tunnels all over the place, and a large number of spawn points for the chest to potentially be in, so I constantly had to bring up my map to see where the hell I was. There are a few spawn points in a harder area that has no way back, so I went down there and searched around while Almeth stayed up on "top" to search around there. Unfortunately, neither of us were high enough level to avoid aggro in our respective search area's, so we had to be careful running around mobs.
While Almeth was searching around looking for the chest, he came across one of the NM's that live here in Shakhrami, Ichorous Ire, which looks like a really pissed off Jello Mold. Almeth started out the fight doing really well, but as he got the NM down to about 1/3rd of it's health, it started eating his shadows and beating him to a pulp. As there was no quick way to get back up to him, I watched in horror as his health got lower and lower, and then inevitably died. We shed a few tears, I teleported out and ran back in to get to him, and gave him a raise. Later on, Almeth told me he expected to eat a death getting his shit, so he wasn't too pissed off at that point.
Getting the third piece was a bitch. There was another Mithra down there competing for the treasure chests, so we split up again and resumed our search. Now, it's not called The Maze of Shakrami for nothing...there are 2 levels with interconnecting tunnels all over the place, and a large number of spawn points for the chest to potentially be in, so I constantly had to bring up my map to see where the hell I was. There are a few spawn points in a harder area that has no way back, so I went down there and searched around while Almeth stayed up on "top" to search around there. Unfortunately, neither of us were high enough level to avoid aggro in our respective search area's, so we had to be careful running around mobs.
While Almeth was searching around looking for the chest, he came across one of the NM's that live here in Shakhrami, Ichorous Ire, which looks like a really pissed off Jello Mold. Almeth started out the fight doing really well, but as he got the NM down to about 1/3rd of it's health, it started eating his shadows and beating him to a pulp. As there was no quick way to get back up to him, I watched in horror as his health got lower and lower, and then inevitably died. We shed a few tears, I teleported out and ran back in to get to him, and gave him a raise. Later on, Almeth told me he expected to eat a death getting his shit, so he wasn't too pissed off at that point.

Now that we were together, it was time for a little payback. We spawned the NM again, and proceeded to beat it's face in. At least, we think it was it's face...hard to tell when the monster in question is a pile of goo. It's exceptionally frustrating because you can't tell where the thing is looking, making it difficult for Almeth to know when to fire off his Sneak Attack. However, we dominated, and put his ass down.

With our faith restored, I made my way back down to where I was before, and Almeth continued his search up above. The chest was nowhere to be found where he was, so he figured it had to be down by me, and made his way to the lower area so we could search for it together. Dodging mobs, we searched high and low for the luck. Running together out of one room, we ended up aggroing a Wight, in a cavern filled with the things. As Almeth made a beeline towards the wall so we could fight it safely, another Wight linked, and then a Labyrinth Scorpion decided he wanted a piece...and then another fucking Wight linked, so all told it was me and Almeth up against 3 Wight's and an angry Scorpion. Things started off ok, but I'm sure you can see where this is going...
So yeah, that fight didn't end very well. Almeth was quite pissed (one less Wight and we prolly would have made it), so we home pointed, I teleported us again, and we started running our ass of to get at least one more was getting late, Almeth had to get to bed, so we were in a hurry. Luckily, it didn't take too long for us to find the chest this time around, and although we kept aggroing Gob's (which was really annoying; just as we were about to put one down another one would join in, and then that one would be almost dead and another one would join in, I think we fought 4 in a row all told) but we survived, thank God. I don't think Almeth would have been able to stomach another death in this hell hole without snapping. My MP was spent, of course, so I had to rest up before I could Warp home, and Almeth was kind enough to wait with me to make sure I didn't aggro anything while I rested. He decided to fight an Easy Prey Caterchipillar while he waited to get some Experience back from eating those couple of deaths along the course of the evening.
After Almeth was done killing the Caterchipillar, I was rested back up, so we called it an evening and got the hell out of the Maze of Shakhrami for the evening. All told, we managed to get Almeth 2 more pieces of his R.S.E., so we just need to get him that last piece and then he is completed, which we're prolly gonna do late Friday night, the next feasible time it's gonna come up. Hopefully the game will take pity on us and just let us go down there and get the stupid thing and be done. I have 1 more piece of R.S.E. that I need to get myself, actually, but it's not critical, and we'll go do it at some point. After Almeth turned the pattern in in Jeuno, and got his gear, I made him go change into it and model it for me so I could get some pics...
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