Anyways, we make it through to the harder part of Oztroja, and finally find a Decent Challenge Yagudo Abbot, but of course there's a Tough Yagudo Sentinel humping it, preventing us from pulling it back without linking. We chilled and waited for them to break it up, and then the stupid Sentinel aggro'd, and then the Abbot decided to link, and yeah....I bit it. Almeth was lucky enough to pop perfect dodge and Instant Warp out, though, so at least he didn't eat it, too.
By this point, Amedelie was online, so being that we were back in Jeuno, we got to figuring out what we wanted to do. Since Garlaige had worked out pretty well before, we decided to head back out there again and get a band in. I was Dancer yet again, Almeth was Thief, and Amedelie was Ranger.
Now, as soon as I zoned into Garlaige, I got /slapped by some asshole for reasons I didn't understand. Of course, I didn't give a shit either way (fuck him), but I found out later that the reason he slapped me was because I guess Numbertwo was a gilseller back in the day, and since my name is Xxnumbertwoxx he just assumed I was also a gilseller. He was a real prick about it, too...accusing me in /shout through the whole zone. I, of course, shouted back that I'm not a gilseller, then we went back and forth in /tell and /shout for a while. Almeth and I were able to convince him that I wasn't a a gilseller after a while, but I was still kinda pissed...if he would have just ASKED me right off the bat it wouldn't have been an issue, but he was a real bitch about it regardless. He quasi-apologized to me later, but of course did so in /tell, so who knows how many other people in the zone thought I really was gilseller. I changed my /seacom after that debacle to: I AM NOT A GILSELLER / #2 IS MY NICKNAME FOR GODS SAKE / KTHXBAI! so hopefully that'll prevent this from happening again (it's not the first time either)...
Anyways, we got down to business and started killing bats...
By this point, Amedelie was online, so being that we were back in Jeuno, we got to figuring out what we wanted to do. Since Garlaige had worked out pretty well before, we decided to head back out there again and get a band in. I was Dancer yet again, Almeth was Thief, and Amedelie was Ranger.
Now, as soon as I zoned into Garlaige, I got /slapped by some asshole for reasons I didn't understand. Of course, I didn't give a shit either way (fuck him), but I found out later that the reason he slapped me was because I guess Numbertwo was a gilseller back in the day, and since my name is Xxnumbertwoxx he just assumed I was also a gilseller. He was a real prick about it, too...accusing me in /shout through the whole zone. I, of course, shouted back that I'm not a gilseller, then we went back and forth in /tell and /shout for a while. Almeth and I were able to convince him that I wasn't a a gilseller after a while, but I was still kinda pissed...if he would have just ASKED me right off the bat it wouldn't have been an issue, but he was a real bitch about it regardless. He quasi-apologized to me later, but of course did so in /tell, so who knows how many other people in the zone thought I really was gilseller. I changed my /seacom after that debacle to: I AM NOT A GILSELLER / #2 IS MY NICKNAME FOR GODS SAKE / KTHXBAI! so hopefully that'll prevent this from happening again (it's not the first time either)...
Anyways, we got down to business and started killing bats...
As a Ranger, Amedelie was dropping huge bombs on these things, mainly because Ranger deals phat damage anyways, and Bats are weak to piercing damage to boot. That being said, trying to keep hate off of her was a pain in the ass, and since Ranger isn't meant to be tanking and has kinda shitty defense, that meant I was spending a LOT of TP keeping Ame alive. We ended up having to grab DC bats from the tunnel behind us every few mobs, even though they were shit exp and broke our chains, because my TP was getting depleted way to fast. Bats attack quick, as well, so shadows kept dropping, so all in all it was a little slow, but we managed.
Due to TP issues, we unfortunately had to rest our HP back the old fashioned way, which slowed us down a bit...

For some reason, the bats seemed more pissed off then our previous trips. Maybe just a bad day, who knows? At any rate we we're doing our thing, and since there was no one else down there we had the mobs all to ourselves. Everything was going well when tragedy struck; I was sitting on like 12% TP and Amedelie took a nasty Jet Stream to the face and croaked. Jet Stream is a 3 hit attack that drops shadows pretty much instantly, so there was just nothing we could do. Almeth and I managed to put the bats down, and I shouted for a Raise. That's when we got a reply from GodzillaX in linkshell chat asking if we needed some help. We weren't really messing around with LS chat, so we were surpised he was there, but unbelievably grateful when he ran his Taru White Mage, Harmless, down to us to raise Ame.
When Ame's weakness was gone, Harmless ran back up to his party up top, and Almeth ran out to pull. At one point, Almeth ended up with 2 bats, and then 2 beetles, so all Ame and I could do was sit on our ass and let him zone the shit. We woulda had a wipe on our hands if we had done any different.
When Ame's weakness was gone, Harmless ran back up to his party up top, and Almeth ran out to pull. At one point, Almeth ended up with 2 bats, and then 2 beetles, so all Ame and I could do was sit on our ass and let him zone the shit. We woulda had a wipe on our hands if we had done any different.

Almeth made it to the zone intact, but since we were synced to him it immediately dropped, and upon rezoning and resyncing, my TP evaporated and I was back to zero. I went to find those easier bats again behind us to build some TP back up, but the place was empty...thinking back, it prolly had something to do with the fact that Almeth linked all the bats on his way out. Either that, or there was some fucking bat party I didn't hear about. At any rate, we started back up, I had shit TP and nothing to build on, so it was tough going. At one point, Almeth aggro'd a beetle, and since I was ok on TP we said fuck it and fought it. It was a long ass fight (the beetles are just a little outside of our trioing them) but we managed.
There goes Amedelie stealing hate again...fucking Rangers :)

I'd like to say the night went on without a hitch after that, but I'm sure you can guess that it didn't. I hereby present Exhibit A...
Yeah, I died. Go figure...

Once again, we pestered Harmless to come down and raise me this time, and luckily he was still in the zone. Almeth was having technical difficulties, and had logged off in the meantime to straighten his shit out. On his way to us, he aggro'd a Beetle, and Ame and him started beating it down. However, the fight was getting pretty rough, so Harmless ended up calling his whole party down to help beat it down so he could raise me. I felt bad for him having to stop his party, and thanked everyone over and over again, but they didn't seem too pissed off about it. At this point, Godzilla warned us that he was going to be logging off for the night soon, so we knew that if there were any more deaths we were going to have to eat it. Luckily, our bands wore off not too long after, and our night was rapidly coming to a close. Almeth was only 800ish TNL, so we stayed for a bit to try and finish it off and get him 52. Piece of cake, right?
Mother Fucking Bats...

So that was that. Luckily, the bats were near death when Ame and I bit it, so Almeth was able to put them down and not eat a death as well. Total Death Scorecard for the evening: Me, in first with 3 deaths total (1 in Oztroja, 2 in Garlaige), Amedelie in second with 2, and Almeth coming in dead last with none. I was 1.4k to 54 when we started the night, and ended up 700 in at the end, so all told I managed to get a whopping 2.1k experience for 3 hours of play. Not so good, but thank Christ I didn't delevel, 'cause that really would have pissed me off. I tell you what, the exp loss when you croak in the 50's really sucks a fat donkey dong. Without the Raise 2 from Harmless earlier, I prolly would have deleveled...so again, my hat goes off to him.
Speaking of hats, since I'm 54 now, I finally got to equip my second piece of Dancer A.F., the Dancer's Tiara. Isn't it pretty? :)
It may look like a plain old rose, but in reality it's a highly sophisticated piece of face-raping equipment.
Fair is fair, so we can't let Amedelie lay there without some hot tea-bagging action of her own :)
Speaking of hats, since I'm 54 now, I finally got to equip my second piece of Dancer A.F., the Dancer's Tiara. Isn't it pretty? :)

And so concludes the adventures of Bahamut's Dreadnought for another day. Tonight's feature will be Part Two of The Reflaa Chronicles, and I must say I'm curious how many deaths we can eat this time around. Only time will tell... :)
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