At any rate, party setup went thusly, me as WHM/NIN, Amedelie as BLM/NIN, Almeth as NIN/WAR, and Kamiku as MNK/WAR. After consulting this blog to see where it was we went at 32 for our little trio's and 4-mans, we decided on Bibiki Bay, and off we went. Almeth outpost-warped out there, and Ame, Kamiku and I Telported and choco'd out to meet up with him.

At any rate, our bands wore, and Kamiku and Amedelie had to dip out, so after a quick D2 from Ame we bid them good night and Almeth and I started working on our other goal for the night; heading back down to Oldton Movalpolos and finishing up some quests down there. There were three main objectives for us:
After a trip to Jeuno, and job change to Dancer, Almeth and I sought out the services of our friendly neighborhood telewhore for a Teleport-Dem, and we choco'd on over to Gusgen Mines to run through to Movalpolos and get down to business.
Now, when we were down here the other day working on this shit, it was kinda rough. Almeth bit it once to about 5 Moblins (they really like to hang out together in here), and upon making it back out, died again to a really nasty "Burn" from one of the bombs. I tried to make it over to him, but ended up training like 75 Gobs and Moblins in the attempt, so I bit it too. That being said, tonight we were going for some payback big time...
- Get an Oldton Chest Key for both of us and find the chest to get a map of the place...
- Kill any Ancient Bombs we could find to get the 11 Hoary Bomb Ash we needed to complete the quest "Out of the Depths"...
- Find and kill any Moblin Ashman and Gurneyman to try and find the Moblin Hotrok, used in the quest "Over the Hills and Far Away" for the Map of Uleguerand Range.
After a trip to Jeuno, and job change to Dancer, Almeth and I sought out the services of our friendly neighborhood telewhore for a Teleport-Dem, and we choco'd on over to Gusgen Mines to run through to Movalpolos and get down to business.
Now, when we were down here the other day working on this shit, it was kinda rough. Almeth bit it once to about 5 Moblins (they really like to hang out together in here), and upon making it back out, died again to a really nasty "Burn" from one of the bombs. I tried to make it over to him, but ended up training like 75 Gobs and Moblins in the attempt, so I bit it too. That being said, tonight we were going for some payback big time...
The nice thing about running around down here was that most of the shit was Too Weak, so we didn't have to worry too much about aggro, and the shit that was Easy Prey was pretty easy to put down...provided you're not fighting like 12 of them. We actually got somewhere around 35-50 experience for the EP's we killed, so it was nice getting a little exp on top of the the drops and shit we were getting. I need like 12,800 exp to get DNC to 56, so every little bit helps...
So we ran around and killed shit for the rest of the night, trying to get the drop items we needed. Our primary focus was getting the map; trying to run around anywhere without a map sucks ass. There were a few other people running around down there with us, one of which was going for the chest as well, but the other's we weren't so sure what they were doing exactly. Almeth saw one mining, but other than that who knows? This isn't really like a destination for anyone, at least not anymore. But I digress...
"Whoa, dude...deodorant {You can have this}."
"Are you serious? That sword is like bigger than you are!"
Part 2 in the series, "Bitch, where my money?!"
"Excuse me, sir, but you don't happen to have a Moblin Hotrok on you by chance, do you?"
So we ran around and killed shit for the rest of the night, trying to get the drop items we needed. Our primary focus was getting the map; trying to run around anywhere without a map sucks ass. There were a few other people running around down there with us, one of which was going for the chest as well, but the other's we weren't so sure what they were doing exactly. Almeth saw one mining, but other than that who knows? This isn't really like a destination for anyone, at least not anymore. But I digress...

I learned something in our travels tonight...whenever fighting a bomb, you always want to have full health at all times at our levels. Why, you ask? Because they can pull out a nasty "Self Destruct" on you and deal mega-damage. Similar to a Gob's "Bomb Toss", it does damage based on how much HP the bomb has left, so the more life he has left in him the angrier it's gonna be. Almeth almost bit it to a "Self Destruct", surviving with only 17 Hit Points left over afterward. If he would have died we both would have been pretty pissed off, so luckily it didn't finish him off...
I repeat...HOLY SHIT!!!!!
That little adventure left Almeth with 17 hit points, down from max health of 860, so from that point on we were a lot more cautious when it came to the Bombs. I made sure as shit that we were both at full health at all times, because obviously there is no margin for error there. However, we didn't have any more nasty shit like that happen, so it all worked out. We both got our Chest Keys and popped our chests for the map, both got our Goblin Hotrok's, and managed to get the 11 Hoary Bomb Ashes we needed to complete the other quest. It was just for gil, but gil is good :)
{Treasure Chest}{Found it!}{/cheer}
"You know, we don't even have to kill you, but since you wanna force the issue, we'll gladly oblige you..."

At that point, it was getting late, so we busted ass to get the hell out of there, using the Gustaberg exit that we always seem to forget exists (lol) and ran back to Bastok to turn in the one quest we could tonight, "Out of the Depths". We still need to run back out there to turn in the final Hoary Bomb Ash to the NPC gob that's chilling down there, but with Tonko:Ichi should only take a few minutes of running around. I didn't read the other quest close enough (FAIL), but apparently we actually have to take the Moblin Hotrok out to Uleguerand Range, a really angry place with True Sight mobs running around all over the place, so I don't know when we are going to get around to doing that shit, but we're gonna try at some point.
At any rate, once back in Bastok we muled some shit around, turned in our shit, and called it a night. All in all, a very good and productive evening!
At any rate, once back in Bastok we muled some shit around, turned in our shit, and called it a night. All in all, a very good and productive evening!
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