Been a busy couple of days for Bahamut's Dreadnought; we did some leveling, did some questing, did some drugs...oh, well, maybe not the drugs part. Big emphasis on
Anyways, here's some screenies:
Guess we can add "scat" to the list of fucked up sexual shit Almeth's into...
Waiting while Reflaa sits through yet another cutscene in our quest to complete San d'Oria Mission 3-3...
Building up some TP on our way up Delkfutt's Tower to fight Porphyrion
Reflaa has a very interesting conversation with a door, while I cheer him on...
Reflaa manages to sweet talk Muckvix into handing over a Yagudo Torch for San d'Oria Mission 4-1...
"I think it's dead, Reflaa, but go ahead and poke him to make sure, okay? I'll watch..."
Amedelie and I show off our leetsauce warp skills...Reflaa and Almeth look bored.
4-manning on Secret Beach, clockwise from top: GodzillaX (DRK), Almeth (NIN), Xxnumbertwoxx (SCH), and Kamiku (MNK).
This poor fuck has no idea how much this is gonna hurt...
"I guess crab is on the menu tonight, boys..."
It's hard to tell exactly what is going on here, but I'm betting this Gob's not too happy about it regardless...
Crab versus an angry Galkan with a Scythe? I'm putting my gil on the Galkan.
Everyone else had to go, so Almeth and I found a new spot and duo'd for a while to get him his level...
Running around in Sea Serpent Grotto, to get Almeth the map of the place, and get me Tonko: Ichi. What started off as one Pugil ended up linking like three more, and a Sahagin to boot. We were in no danger of dying, but it was annoying and never fucking ending...
"I don't know, Almeth, they don't seem to be interested in a truce..."
Posing for a quick pic in Norg.
Almeth, always thinking outside the box, discovers a new use for the escort quest: Bait.
Building some TP before we fight Ahtu, the giant tree in the background. Environmentalists, we are not...
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