As we waited for Almeth to log on, I took a moment to try on a piece of gear I own that, until recently, I've never been able to wear...the fabled Scorpion Harness. I got it as a gift from a friend that quit the game many moons ago (Thanks, Keeya!!! ^^) and, having finally gotten Dancer to 57, can now actually wear it and check the thing out. I do have to say, it matches much better with other Dancer attire than the Mercenary Captain's body piece I was wearing did...

After trying the Scorpion Harness on and snapping a few self portraits, Almeth was in the hizzle, so I took it back off and placed it neatly in my safe, along with all my other Dancer gear; for today's festivities I needed to change into White Mage, and grab all that shit out of the closet. I swear, these past few days it seems like all I do is change clothes...
Anyways, with gear in order, mats for Yagudo Drinks on hand, and Sky Orbs with us, we struck out from San d'Oria and made our way through Ranguemont Pass on our way to Beaucedine Glacier and Fei'Yin.
Reraise...don't leave home without it.
"Um, Ame? I didn't wanna say anything in front of Almeth, bit I think you forgot to put pants on. Aren't you cold...?"
"Goddammit, Almeth, wait for us! Always running off and shit..."
"Hey you there on the left! Stop that guy! Grab Him!! AH, WHAT THE FUCK YOU PEOPLE ARE USELESS!!!!"
"Well, this is a cheery place..."
After running for what seemed like forever, we finally made it up to Fei'Yin, and proceeded through to the special "zone" for the BCNM, Qu'Bia Arena. This fight is kinda weird...basically, there are three of the Weapon type mobs, above their head is flying either 3 swords, clubs, or spears. Whatever weapon is floating above their heads is the only type of damage they are weak to, which is why BLU is the perfect job for this shit; it can do all types of damage through it's different types of magic's. Anyways, I was WHM/NIN, Ame and Almeth were both BLU/NIN, and the basic strategy would go like this: Almeth runs up in there and grabs all three Weapons right off the bat like a crazy person, Amedelie then attacks a different Weapon to draw it's attention on her, and then they would gang up together on the first one. I attacked when I could with my dual clubs, but mainly I was healing. At first I was a little nervous (it was a long ass run up there to fucking die), but it turned out to be a huge fucking joke. We did a total of 6 runs...unfortunately, nobody got Utsusemi: Ni, but we came out with some other items worth a decent amount of gil. We've got plenty of Beastmen Seals left, so were definitely gonna keep trying for it.
Anyways, with gear in order, mats for Yagudo Drinks on hand, and Sky Orbs with us, we struck out from San d'Oria and made our way through Ranguemont Pass on our way to Beaucedine Glacier and Fei'Yin.

After running for what seemed like forever, we finally made it up to Fei'Yin, and proceeded through to the special "zone" for the BCNM, Qu'Bia Arena. This fight is kinda weird...basically, there are three of the Weapon type mobs, above their head is flying either 3 swords, clubs, or spears. Whatever weapon is floating above their heads is the only type of damage they are weak to, which is why BLU is the perfect job for this shit; it can do all types of damage through it's different types of magic's. Anyways, I was WHM/NIN, Ame and Almeth were both BLU/NIN, and the basic strategy would go like this: Almeth runs up in there and grabs all three Weapons right off the bat like a crazy person, Amedelie then attacks a different Weapon to draw it's attention on her, and then they would gang up together on the first one. I attacked when I could with my dual clubs, but mainly I was healing. At first I was a little nervous (it was a long ass run up there to fucking die), but it turned out to be a huge fucking joke. We did a total of 6 runs...unfortunately, nobody got Utsusemi: Ni, but we came out with some other items worth a decent amount of gil. We've got plenty of Beastmen Seals left, so were definitely gonna keep trying for it.
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