When we were done biting it, we were going to give it another go with me changing to Black Mage, but Kamiku got called away to do a Dynamis-Valkurm with his other LS so that had to wait. Almeth and I discussed back and forth what we wanted to do in the meantime...in the end, we decided to finish up some of our quests and such, we had to go back down to the Movalpolos again to turn in some more Hoary Bomb Ash, and also trip up to Uleguerand Range to turn in our Moblin Hotrok and get the map for that area. Quick change to WHM, and we were off...
Nothing makes me feel more comfortable then running down the deep, dark scary cave.
Eventually, we made it up to the top of the mountain, and the end was in sight, when we damn near ran right up on Jormungand, a huge angry dragon that likes to hang out at the top of the mountain and eat babies. Okay, I'm lying abot the eaiting babies thing, but he really is pretty angry...level 95, needing a minimum of 18 level 75's (if not more) to put down. He woulda pretty much looked at us and killed us, and he had True Sight, so we had to stay far, far away from him...but I managed to sneak up a little bit to get some screenshots. It's not everyday you run across a huge NM like this one!
"Yeah, this is about as close as I feel comfortable getting."
Long way to go for a Map, but as I said before, not having a map of a place sucks dong...

Eventually, we made it up to the top of the mountain, and the end was in sight, when we damn near ran right up on Jormungand, a huge angry dragon that likes to hang out at the top of the mountain and eat babies. Okay, I'm lying abot the eaiting babies thing, but he really is pretty angry...level 95, needing a minimum of 18 level 75's (if not more) to put down. He woulda pretty much looked at us and killed us, and he had True Sight, so we had to stay far, far away from him...but I managed to sneak up a little bit to get some screenshots. It's not everyday you run across a huge NM like this one!

Since we were past Jormungand, now came the fun part. This area is unique in that there is a system of tunnels inside the mountain we were climbing, and the only way to get into those tunnels is by sliding down the side of the mountain, hoping you're lined up correctly to land on a ledge way down below. Almeth and I agonized over the map and camera, trying to make out the ledges and such, and when Almeth decided he was comfortable beginning our decent, I said "Fuck it" and just jumped right after him. No guts, no glory, right?

Now that that trek was out of the way, we headed back to town and started looking at some other things to do. Amedelie was going to be on soon, so Almeth and I did a quick 'port out to Aht Urhgan to see how bad the Colibri's were out there for Trioing at our level. I didn't get any screenshots (d'oh!), but Almeth ran out and poked one to see what it did to him...after hitting him for 100+ a couple times, and critting for like 250, he quickly popped Flee and zoned. Yes, still a little too difficult lol. By that point, Amedelie was online, so we tried to find some decent trio areas.
Trying to find mobs that aren't going to rape our face yet still provide decent experience is getting more and more difficult the higher we get, as the game is definitely skewed towards full parties at the levels we're at. We checked out Korroloka Tunnel and the crabs that hang out in there, but it's a popular camp so competition woulda been a little rough. Amedelie and I ran out to Quicksand Caves again, zoning in via Western Altepa Desert this time. We found some decent Beetles and Anticans running around down there, but at that point Kamiku was finishing up what he had going on. This presented yet another quandry to us; Almeth was keen to level his Ninja with Kamiku's Monk, but once you get Ninja to 37 it's pretty much required that you have Utsusemi: Ni. Since Utsusemi: Ni only drops from BCNM's (and costs 300k+ on the Auction Hall) that meant we had to do some more BCNM action and get the scroll first. Amedelie was down, so we warped back to Jeuno and did some research.
After poring over the 3 man BCNM 30's, we decided to give a different one a try, "Die by the Sword". This BCNM involves fighting 3 Weapon type mobs, which rotate which type of damage they are weak to: Slashing, Piercing, and Blunt. Whatever they're not weak to at that moment will do no damage whatsoever, so a great job to use in this fight is Blue Mage, which has access to all types of damage through it's use of the different spells it can learn from monsters. There is a strategy that actually calls for 2 BLU's to duo these things, so with me coming along as WHM as well would just be icing on the cake. Almeth needed two spells first, though: Wild Carrot and Claw Cyclone. We made our way out to Bibiki Bay and got to getting Amedelie and Almeth Wild Carrot...
These stupid rabbits hit like a ton of bricks sometimes...
Trying to find mobs that aren't going to rape our face yet still provide decent experience is getting more and more difficult the higher we get, as the game is definitely skewed towards full parties at the levels we're at. We checked out Korroloka Tunnel and the crabs that hang out in there, but it's a popular camp so competition woulda been a little rough. Amedelie and I ran out to Quicksand Caves again, zoning in via Western Altepa Desert this time. We found some decent Beetles and Anticans running around down there, but at that point Kamiku was finishing up what he had going on. This presented yet another quandry to us; Almeth was keen to level his Ninja with Kamiku's Monk, but once you get Ninja to 37 it's pretty much required that you have Utsusemi: Ni. Since Utsusemi: Ni only drops from BCNM's (and costs 300k+ on the Auction Hall) that meant we had to do some more BCNM action and get the scroll first. Amedelie was down, so we warped back to Jeuno and did some research.
After poring over the 3 man BCNM 30's, we decided to give a different one a try, "Die by the Sword". This BCNM involves fighting 3 Weapon type mobs, which rotate which type of damage they are weak to: Slashing, Piercing, and Blunt. Whatever they're not weak to at that moment will do no damage whatsoever, so a great job to use in this fight is Blue Mage, which has access to all types of damage through it's use of the different spells it can learn from monsters. There is a strategy that actually calls for 2 BLU's to duo these things, so with me coming along as WHM as well would just be icing on the cake. Almeth needed two spells first, though: Wild Carrot and Claw Cyclone. We made our way out to Bibiki Bay and got to getting Amedelie and Almeth Wild Carrot...

Ame got Wild Carrot right away, for Almeth it took quite a while. In reading other people's experiences leveling the job, and from my own first hand experience running Ame around to get her spells back in the day, there's always some spells that take forever to learn...it's different for every BLU, of course, but Wild Carrot was definitely on Almeth's list of "GODDAMN WHY CAN'T I JUST LEARN THIS SHIT ALREADY?!" spells. With time growing short, we knew that actually doing the BCNM was probably not going to happen after all, but at least we would ready for next time. Eventually, Almeth learned the spell, and we quick teleported out to La Thiene Plateau to run to Jugner next door and get Almeth Claw Cyclone from the tiger's out there.

Let the chat spamming commence!!!
That was pretty much the end of our evening. We all ran up to the Outpost and warped back to Sandy, and Almeth showed me how I can talk to my NPC friend and build up my "bond". Whatever that means, the NPC shit is so odd...
"Hi, Fhig Whatever-the-fuck-your-name-is...you're useless to me!"

Claw Cyclone proved to be one of the easy BLU spells for Almeth to get...after about 3 tigers, Almeth learned it, so we are now set to try and bang out that BCNM next time we are all free and available to do it. Hopefully, everything will work out fine, we'll all get the Utsusemi: Ni we need, and it'll be great.
That was pretty much the end of our evening. We all ran up to the Outpost and warped back to Sandy, and Almeth showed me how I can talk to my NPC friend and build up my "bond". Whatever that means, the NPC shit is so odd...

And so concludes the adventures of Bahamut's Dreadnought for another day...
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