Last night Almeth and I continued our hot duo action and tried out a new place, Bostaunieux Oubliette. Conveniently located beneath the Chateau d'Oraguille, it meant getting to the zone was a breeze, and there was a nice place to camp right next to the zone into West Ronfaure. Our targets were the Werebats that fill the place, and being that they don't link (big bonus on bats, as most do) we figured it was worth a shot. Crawlers Nest was our backup plan in case things didn't work out, but the experience was really good against the VT Werebats...and decent against the Toughs that they all turned into inexplicably. All in all, Almeth got level 55 (/cheer ^^) and I got a stone's throw away from 58. That's not to say we didn't eat any deaths...I did, twice, which sucked balls...but luckily there was a WHM (and later RDM) that was willing to trip all the way down to give me a raise, and then give me another raise when I immediately aggro'd the undead due to having no HP. I was ecstatic that Almeth ran off and found that guy, because eating a death at this level means literally hours of more duo work to get the experience back, and even after eating a death himself (this place is no joke, even to a 75) he still came back and hooked me up. He wouldn't even take any gil in payment, he did it because he's just that nice of a, Bitwarrior, you're my new personal hero, and this Bud is most definitely for you!
Anyways, here's some screenies of our adventures last night. Please excuse the darkness of some of these pics...we were in a sewer, after all :)
Doing our thing...
These Giant Bats don't Jet Stream and drop all your shadows instantly, at least, but they like to double attack all the goddamn time, so it's almost the same damn thing...
{Death}{You can have this.}
"Jesus fucking Christ get the fuck out of here! Goddamn Garms..."
"Yeah, get his ass, Almeth!!!!!"
"Oh my God, Almeth, wait for meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"
And, finally, for everybodies viewing pleasure, a short photo montage I made of all the screenshots I've taken when we died. This isn't comprehensive, to say the least, but it's all I could find. I think it turned out well :)
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