Once we arrived in Sandy, Reflaa was online, so I quick walked him through triggering Sandy Mission 5-1, and once that was completed we made our way. It was a pretty simple run; I actually ran through an entire pack of undead and didn't aggro any, even though I had forgotten to put sneak up (I still can't believe I did that lol). Anyways, the trip was uneventful, and we got the gate crystal in record time.

"YAY! No more running up here!!"
At that point, we had 2 options; go off and do Reflaa's A.F. quest and get him ready for Dark Spark, or go level a bit so he could trigger the G2 quest. Leaving the decision to Reflaa, he decided he'd rather go kill shit, as the past few times we've all partied together we've done nothing but quest. So we got our shit together, made our way to Jeuno, and prepared ourselves for a 4-man party in Garlaige Citadel. Since my WHM is falling a bit behind my Dancer, I switched it up myself.
At that point, I was having some technical difficulties, so I needed to log out to fix my shit. Unfortunately, while I was gone, Amedelie bit it...but luckily there was a BST/WHM running around down here that was kind enough to run over and hook Ame up with a Raise. After thanking him profusely, he offered to try and keep off the bats, but after a few more minutes he asked if he could just join up with us. We were going to be leaving soon, but he didn't care, so we added him to our ranks and made the final push to get Reflaa level 51. Things went great for a few minutes until...
Our new Beastmaster friend was nice enough to unsync from the party and hook me up with a Raise, as well, so once sickness wore off we got back to it. Luckily, there were no more deaths for the rest of the night so we were able to finish it off unscathed...
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