I seriously need to clear out my Screenshots folder, so here's some more pics for everyone's viewing pleasure...some of these are older; if I can remember the exact circumstances I'll explain ^^
Part 1 in the series "Amedelie's Disconnecting Again..."
"Amedelie's Disconnecting Again...", Bibiki Bay Edition
Amedelie must have the loot hacks turned on again...
Posing for a quick pic in Vankerl Inlet (S), sucks that it was night-time...
Almeth takes aim...
"Why do I have to rest in the pile of dead bats?"
"OMG Almeth ruuuunnnnnnn!!!!!!!"
"Great, now I get to rest in a pile of dead beetle...this shit smells, guys"
Beetle Pwnage, Bahamut's Dreadnought style...
Totally Epic Action Shot
This Chamber Beetle assumes the position, knowing it's fucked no matter how you look at it...
"Are you shitting me?!"
"God, I hate this place sometimes...guess they don't call it The Shitadel for nothing..."
Fighting some sort of Gob in Oldton Movalpolos
Reflaa hits up the Mute in Beadeaux for a nice cold glass of "Shut the fuck up"...
With the final Magicite in hand, we all breath a collective sigh of relief that we'll never have to do this shit again...
Cheering Reflaa on in the Norg Headquarters of Lower Jeuno. Reflaa, of course, said "fuck your picture" and took off in a rage, and Almeth wonders who the fuck I'm cheering for...
Cheering Reflaa on yet again, for successfully completing Sandy Mission 4-1 and receiving his very own Airship Pass.
Airship Pass finally in hand, Reflaa get's to experience first hand the utter joy that is waiting for the goddamn Airship to fucking show up sometime this year...
Tripping out to Fei'Yin to find the Magic Tome, part of the Teleport-Vahzl quest...
This Ore Golem gets his rocks off, all over Almeth's face...
If Ore Golems spoke, this one would be saying, "Bitch, where my money?!"
This Shadow tried to shoot Almeth in the face, Almeth responded by cutting it's balls off...
WHM/NIN is fun...dual-wield clubs for the win!!!!
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