Last night Almeth and I continued our hot duo action and tried out a new place, Bostaunieux Oubliette. Conveniently located beneath the Chateau d'Oraguille, it meant getting to the zone was a breeze, and there was a nice place to camp right next to the zone into West Ronfaure. Our targets were the Werebats that fill the place, and being that they don't link (big bonus on bats, as most do) we figured it was worth a shot. Crawlers Nest was our backup plan in case things didn't work out, but the experience was really good against the VT Werebats...and decent against the Toughs that they all turned into inexplicably. All in all, Almeth got level 55 (/cheer ^^) and I got a stone's throw away from 58. That's not to say we didn't eat any deaths...I did, twice, which sucked balls...but luckily there was a WHM (and later RDM) that was willing to trip all the way down to give me a raise, and then give me another raise when I immediately aggro'd the undead due to having no HP. I was ecstatic that Almeth ran off and found that guy, because eating a death at this level means literally hours of more duo work to get the experience back, and even after eating a death himself (this place is no joke, even to a 75) he still came back and hooked me up. He wouldn't even take any gil in payment, he did it because he's just that nice of a, Bitwarrior, you're my new personal hero, and this Bud is most definitely for you!
Anyways, here's some screenies of our adventures last night. Please excuse the darkness of some of these pics...we were in a sewer, after all :)
Doing our thing...
These Giant Bats don't Jet Stream and drop all your shadows instantly, at least, but they like to double attack all the goddamn time, so it's almost the same damn thing...
{Death}{You can have this.}
"Jesus fucking Christ get the fuck out of here! Goddamn Garms..."
"Yeah, get his ass, Almeth!!!!!"
"Oh my God, Almeth, wait for meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"
And, finally, for everybodies viewing pleasure, a short photo montage I made of all the screenshots I've taken when we died. This isn't comprehensive, to say the least, but it's all I could find. I think it turned out well :)
The last couple days have been pretty low key for BD; nothing too terribly exciting to report on my end. Here's some screenies of what we've been up to...
Fishing skillups {Can I have it?} My Sanity {You can have this.}
2+ hours for .3 fishing skillup...fuck fishing, seriously, fuck it!
My Sandy mule, after completing a Millioncorn run...
On the Silver Sea Route to Nashmau; don't know what that building is out there, but I'm not going in regardless...
When the monsters started showing up, Almeth and I hid like little girls down blow, but this duo was obviously high enough level to take out whatever spawned pretty easily, so we checked things out a bit...
Checking out Nashmau before Almeth and I try to run out together and unlock Corsair...a harrowing (and ultimately fatal) journey.
Everything out here is so pissed off, one has to be really careful at our levels to not aggro something and eat a quick death...
Yet another one of the pretty cool areas in Vana'Diel, Arrapago Reef. Of course, the area is full of level 70-80 mobs, so extreme care was warranted.
This door is a real piece of shit. Why? Well, to unlock Corsair you need to get through it. Now, you can farm for a key (not happening at our levels), or you can pick the lock if you're a Thief. Almeth bought an entire stack of Thief's Tools for 20k, and every single one failed to open the door. So here's a big "Fuck You" to Square, for making this shit so fucking difficult.
Adding insult to injury, after 2 trips out there to open that fucking door and failing, Almeth aggro's a True Sight Imp and bites it. I shouted for a Raise, but since that obviously wasn't happening, I ran back to Nashmau to change jobs and do it myself...
After the lame Quicksand Caves leveling, Almeth and I trip on back to Rolanberry Fields (S) to try and get a band in there.
Finding a rare "Tough" Gob in the past, Almeth and I pause to take him out before moving on to check out some other things...
The past was out (everything was just too pissed off), so Almeth and I tried present day Crawler's Nest. These Flies were a little tough, but manageable...for the first couple we fought, at least.
VT Dragonfly, plus one that linked mid fight, meant my death was unavoidable. Almeth quickly warped the hell out, sparing him from receiving death #2 for the evening.
Ok so tonight was a weird one. Things we're normal on our end, but seriously some weird shit involving a third party. It was really odd. Anyways, first order of business was to take care of some more Blue Mage spell gettin'.
Finally, I get Pollen! Once Almeth hits 15 on Dancer, White Mage sub is going right out the window :)
One of the many crawlers we fought tonight, and no, I didn't learn Cocoon...dammit.
Competition for Crawlers was stiff in Tahrongi, so Almeth had to literally sprint to the next spawn point to try and beat the silk farmers.
I missed a turn and, meanwhile, Almeth bit it. I can't help but weep...
I soon joined him however...fucking Yagudo.
So, yeah, there we were, minding our own business when I get the strangest tell from someone I've never met. Things progressed from there, but after asking other peeps in my LS if they knew this person, they all said no. It was really bizarre, and I wonder what it is I do to attract this kind of shit...both in game and in real life. Here's how it played out:
LOL, wut??
I wonder...did he/she ever find someone else to cyber with? LOL
Since we had both just died in Tahrongi, and our Home Points were on opposite ends of the globe, we decided to say fuck Blue Mage for the night and go level our NPC fellows in Altepa; all this required was us slaughtering Too Weak and Easy Prey Beetles and Dhalmels while they reaped the experience.
There's nothing down there, thank God, but there almost should be...
"It's cute the way they fight and all, but if mine keeps voking I'm turning the hose on her..."
Once that was done, since we were already out here, Almeth and I decided to get an Empress band in on our own, so we tripped out to one of the harder entrances to Quicksand Caves and tried an Antican down there, as the ones we were fighting with Amedelie last were on the weaker side at Almeth's level (54)...
I actually kinda like it out here...when the mobs aren't so pissed off that is :)
We got 150 XP for this guy without our bands, but the 10+ minute fight for it was not an efficient use of our time at bordered on absurd, to be honest.
"Yeah, fuck that place...let's head back over to where we were before."
Kinda shitty experience, but at least we're killing them somewhat quickly...
"Nice job, Almeth...I bet he loved that shit..."
"Yeah, Box Step bitch!"
"Oh my God, somebody help me, he's set me on fire!!!"
After what seemed like ages, our Empress bands wore, and we concluded our evening. I'm still like 10k from my next level (58), and Almeth is like 2,000 TNL or so himself, but we'd had enough excitement for one day, and we signed off...
After our recent trip out to the Qu'Bia Arena for that BCNM, I was persuaded to level up Blue Mage on my own...3 Blue Mages will probably be able to crush any BCNM, so I decided to give it a whirl. It was a long hard fight, and I've still got a looooong way to go, but I managed to actually make some progress. Almeth joined me with his Dancer, 'cause we all know how uber Dancer is :)...
Here's some screenshot's of our adventures...
To the untrained eye, it may look like I'm just standing here getting hit, while actually I'm....okay you got me. I'm just standing there getting hit...
Yup....still standing there getting hit. These mobs were really being stingy with their abilities, and it was really fucking up my flow...
"Maybe Almeth will have better luck on his own..."
"Hey, Almeth, am I doing something wrong here? I mean, shit..."
"Fucking Orc bastards...can't you see I'm trying to learn spells here?!"
"Yay! My very first Blue Mage spell, and it only took 2 fucking days! {/wrists}"
"Ok, so maybe that crab was a bad idea...RUN FOR IT!!!"
"Maybe Sarutabaruta will work out better...No? Great..."
Law of averages states, that with 3 different mob types all drilling us while I punch at them, one has to do something, right? Wrong.
"Jesus Christ, will you do Cocoon already? Seriously, fuck this job..."
"Okay, now Pollen! Um, Pollen? Hello?? HELLOOOOO?! Aw, FUCK YOU BEE I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!"
"Ok, Almeth, I've had about as much as I can stand...let's go home."
All told, I did manage to learn four abilities: Foot Kick, Sprout Smack, Sandspin, and Wild Oats. Hopefully the next few sessions will be more fruitful ^^
Last night was a pretty mellow night for BD. First order of business was to run Reflaa up to Xarcabard to get him the "Vahzl Gate Crystal", so we can just teleport up here when we have to come back up here to do his Dark Spark fight, his G2, and San d'Oria Mission 5-1. Everyone else had already gotten it back in the day, so Reflaa was gonna need it for ease of transportation. Since Almeth and I were in Jeuno, we hopped on the boat early and made our way to Sandy.
Almeth entertains everyone on the boat by showing off his Blue Mage skillz...
Once we arrived in Sandy, Reflaa was online, so I quick walked him through triggering Sandy Mission 5-1, and once that was completed we made our way. It was a pretty simple run; I actually ran through an entire pack of undead and didn't aggro any, even though I had forgotten to put sneak up (I still can't believe I did that lol). Anyways, the trip was uneventful, and we got the gate crystal in record time.
"Where did all the mob's go?? This place is a ghost town..."
"YAY! No more running up here!!"
"Alright! Everybody take your tops off! Almeth, you go ahead and get naked!! SWEET!!!!"
At that point, we had 2 options; go off and do Reflaa's A.F. quest and get him ready for Dark Spark, or go level a bit so he could trigger the G2 quest. Leaving the decision to Reflaa, he decided he'd rather go kill shit, as the past few times we've all partied together we've done nothing but quest. So we got our shit together, made our way to Jeuno, and prepared ourselves for a 4-man party in Garlaige Citadel. Since my WHM is falling a bit behind my Dancer, I switched it up myself.
Just because I'm a White Mage doesn't mean I can't beat on shit, too...
Finally, my very own Light staff...
...and a Dark Staff to go with it! {/cheer}
"Batterrrrrrrrrrr UP!!!
At that point, I was having some technical difficulties, so I needed to log out to fix my shit. Unfortunately, while I was gone, Amedelie bit it...but luckily there was a BST/WHM running around down here that was kind enough to run over and hook Ame up with a Raise. After thanking him profusely, he offered to try and keep off the bats, but after a few more minutes he asked if he could just join up with us. We were going to be leaving soon, but he didn't care, so we added him to our ranks and made the final push to get Reflaa level 51. Things went great for a few minutes until...
Yeah, dead! Fucking bats....
Our new Beastmaster friend was nice enough to unsync from the party and hook me up with a Raise, as well, so once sickness wore off we got back to it. Luckily, there were no more deaths for the rest of the night so we were able to finish it off unscathed...
"Awww, what a cute tiger! I gotta give him a cookie when we're done..."
"Yay, we didn't die anymore!"
And so ends another day for Bahamut's Dreadnought... :)