Saturday, January 31, 2009

Farming in Uleguerand Range...

Almeth and I popped an Empress band before we logged off Thursday night, in anticipation of partying as soon as we logged on Friday. Unfortunately, Amedelie and Reflaa were busy until much later in the evening, so we had a dilemma on our hands: since Empress Bands will run out if you don't use them in a set amount of time, we needed to find something we could reasonably kill for decent experience with just the two of us. Having recently triggered the quest "Past Reflections" to increase our Adventuring Fellow bond, we were in need of some different food items to complete the quest. I had the cooking covered (I knew leveling cooking would come in handy someday!) but there was one ingredient that was going to be a bitch...Buffalo Meat. It only drops from mobs in one zone, and the mobs were at a decent enough level that we could both get our Empress Bands in and try and get the meat I was gonna need. That being said, we made our way out to Uleguerand Range with our eyes on the prize...

"Why, hello there Mr. Buffalo! Can I have some meat, please?"



Did I mention these things are huge? So huge that the camera didn't know where to put itself, shit, so huge that the freaking buffalo didn't know where to put itself. We spent most of the time fighting these things with views like these on our computer monitors:

"Is it hitting me? Can you tell?? Aw what the fuck?!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?! How am I supposed to fight this thing like this?!?!"

"Aw COME ON!!! This is fucking ridiculous!!!!!"

Sometimes, and sure as shit not very often, but sometimes, the buffalo would actually get up off of our nuts for a second so we could actually see something. Of course, it wasn't things we particularly wanted to see, mind you...

"Holy shit OWWWWWWW!!!!"

What a cutie!

"Well, this is kinda awkward..."

"Um, yeah, anytime I can get out of this thing's ass would be cool with me..."

This is the same zone where I shot the "Mountain Sliding Fun" video a while back...which is actually pretty fun to do, provided you can get passed all the really pissed off shit on your way up the mountain. In leaving the immediate area where we found the Buffalo, we passed right by the bottom of one of the two hills you can slide down...and this is what we found:

I have no clue what the hell happened to this bunch, but they somehow managed to die on the side of the mountain. This is no small feat, considering there are no mobs on the side of the mountain. If they aggro'd up top, how'd they manage to make it to the side to die and slide down to the bottom? The world may never know...

Shot from a different angle, for the lulz. They were prolly like "Who the fuck is this guy taking pictures of us laying here dead?!" At any rate, I /cried out of sympathy, but in reality, Almeth and I found it fucking hysterical...

In the end, we managed to get 2 pieces of Buffalo Meat, which is all I needed for the synth, and I didn't even blow any up (although I did HQ one...why can't I ever HQ when I want to?!?)...good thing, too, as the drop rate on the meat fucking sucks. I'm serious, it's such a pain in the ass. Oh well, "all's well that ends well" and all that shit...

L8TRZ!!!!! ^^

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