Luckily the synths went without a hitch, so we now had all the items we needed to complete the quest. Almeth gave up on the Rabbit Charm for the evening, we bounced all over Vana'diel finishing it up, ending up in Jeuno. I worked on some cooking for a while (got level 78 {/cheer}! ^^), then we decided to give the Escort for Hire (San d'Oria) quest a go, which basically involves protecting an NPC as she runs through Eldieme Necropolis. We'd tried it before, but we were just too low level to kill the mobs fast enough to complete it. Being that we were now like 10 levels higher, we tried again, and yeah...still too low. We can kill the mobs just fine, but there's no way we were going to finish within the 30 minute time limit. Defeated, we collectively racked our brains for something else to do.
Almeth came up with the quest Everyone's Grudge, which is necessary to complete in order to clear your Tonberry Hate, and thus not get 1-shotted while fighting Tonberries when they pull that shit out of their ass. As we both had a Coffer Key to get rid of, as well as needing another key for a quest later on (TOO MANY FUCKING KEYS LOL), it looked like a trip out to the good ol' Temple of Ugly was in order. We ran out to Sea Serpent Grotto, triggered the quest, grabbed choco's and made our way.
While en route, Almeth spotted an NM wandering around minding his own business, Bisque-Heeled Sunberry. As we can't allow NM's to wander around unchallanged, we quickly dismounted and beat his fucking ass down:
He didn't even see it coming... :)
With him out of the way, we zoned inside and began our journey to get the Tonberry Key, reset our Tonberry Hate, and hopefully find the Coffer.
"Do you have a key, Mr. Tonberry?"
I don't know what the hell this thing is doing, but I bet it sucks...
"Hiding in the corner isn't gonna help you, dude..."
These guys link so fucking easily; it's quite annoying...
"Yeah, fuck him up Almeth!"

That was pretty much it for the evening. We killed tons of tonberries...the key is a real pain in the ass to get. When we'd given up on the key and focused on finding a coffer (which we never found...), that's when we finally managed to get a couple to drop. It was getting late, so we called it an evening not long after that. All in all, the trip was educational, at least. Last time I'd been down here these things were really pissed off so I didn't explore much, and managing to reset our hate was very nice (getting hit with "Everyone's Grudge" for like 2k ain't fun for anybody). I would have liked to have found that coffer, but oh well, we'll be coming back here again at some point for our Zilart Missions...
Peace out!
Peace out!
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