When finished with that, Almeth and I got down to the first order of business for the day...finishing off the remainder of my Anniversary Band from the night before. I really had no idea how long that was going to take (I secretly prayed it wouldn't be very long), but I steeled myself for the worst. A quick Recall-Jugner and Outpost Warp to Southern San d'Oria (S) and Almeth and I were ready for some real grinding. Almeth changed to his NIN, and we got to work...

Luckily, I must have been damn close to finishing my band off last night, because it wore in like two mobs. With that completed, we made our way back to town, and moved on to our second goal of the evening: completing the Tactics Pearl mini-quest for Almeth, since the game dicked him out of it the other day. At any rate, we made our way to Holla and got to work...
"Sealing my memories" or whatever the fuck it is...
"Yup...you're fucked!"
Here we have a Wanderer, or, as I like to call them: Sperm Monsters. You'll notice Almeth's Fellow just can't resist taking hate, which makes me want to punch her stupid face.
And this beauty right here, I have no idea...
Winding up for the home-run swing...
Almeth, I swear to God, if that bitch doesn't stop taking hate, I'm gonna kill her myself...
"Maybe if I dance for it it'll be nice..."
Fighting these "Memory Receptacles" is the only way to move from floor to floor. Seeing as how they're constantly shitting out those Sperm Monsters, I cannot help but feel like this was inspired by some sick Japanese Animated Porn...
"If that's not his tongue, Almeth, I'd say this guy at least owes you a drink or two..."
"Yeah, dude, you take the ass end, we'll go all 'fingercuffs' on him!"
"Look at her Tank that shit, player! What a stupid bitch!!"

In all fairness, we did manage to keep Almeth's Adventuring Fellow alive, despite some close calls, but in all honesty, you really need to keep an eye on your helper or else they will take hate and die a fiery death. I just wish I could cure her...but as she's technically Almeths "pet" (how fucked up is that?!) I can't do a damn thing to help her. Major bummer....but we got Almeth his Tactic's Pearl...so there'll be much more Adventuring Fellow leveling in our future. ^^
With that completed, I realized I left home without a warp item (Good going dipshit!) so I had to rent a Chocobo and run out to Valkurm to outpost back home. Almeth's Home Point was in Jeuno, and I proceeded to bounce around all over Vana'diel to meet him there so we could move on to goal number 3: Heading out to the Temple of Uggalepih to get our Paintbrush of Souls key item and hopefully find a coffer to open (and thus get rid of another goddamn key in our inventory). This was a prerequisite to our loftiest goal of the evening, number 4: to attempt to put together a pick up group to go tackle Zilart Mission 4. That is something Almeth and I really need to do, as it needs to be completed before you can quest the Opo-opo necklace, which is pretty much the key to beating Maat on almost all jobs.
We made our way out to Good ol' Ugly and got our Paintbrush of Souls pretty much without incident. In our quest to find a coffer to open, we hit a slight snag:
With that completed, I realized I left home without a warp item (Good going dipshit!) so I had to rent a Chocobo and run out to Valkurm to outpost back home. Almeth's Home Point was in Jeuno, and I proceeded to bounce around all over Vana'diel to meet him there so we could move on to goal number 3: Heading out to the Temple of Uggalepih to get our Paintbrush of Souls key item and hopefully find a coffer to open (and thus get rid of another goddamn key in our inventory). This was a prerequisite to our loftiest goal of the evening, number 4: to attempt to put together a pick up group to go tackle Zilart Mission 4. That is something Almeth and I really need to do, as it needs to be completed before you can quest the Opo-opo necklace, which is pretty much the key to beating Maat on almost all jobs.
We made our way out to Good ol' Ugly and got our Paintbrush of Souls pretty much without incident. In our quest to find a coffer to open, we hit a slight snag:

Thank God there was a White Mage in the area that was willing to Raise me...but after waiting for links and shit to be killed before I could be safely raised, it was getting pretty late, so Almeth and I warped the hell out and went home. Zilart Mission 4 is just going to have to wait for another day...
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