We've been doing Campaign, trioing and 4-manning, leveling our NPC's...all that typical shit. Almeth and I did manage to trigger the next Adventuring Fellow quest to get the Tactics Pearl, which involved bringing them into a Promyvion and clicking on a "???" (as well as killing monsters for more experience); alas, Almeth's NPC musta done something really fucked up at one point and ended up biting it...I tried voking but it was no use. I did manage to finish it up myself (mine lived), but unfortunately, Almeth has to do it again...not a big deal, but annoying anyways. We still have no idea what the hell she did to get so much hate right off the bat. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I was concentrating on us not dying ourselves, I didn't get any pics in there (way to fail!) but I'll try and get some when we do the re-attempt for Almeth...
At any rate, here's the pics I did take over the last few days...

In closing, I cannot say enough how awesome a DNC/WAR/NIN/WHM party is. We were able to put down these IT+ Anticans with little effort, and only had a couple close calls due to nasty Firaga II's when Silence wore and I wasn't able to get it back on them in time. The experience was awesome; with an Anniversary Band is was getting up to 500 a piece, and we chained with ease. At this rate, I'll have my WHM leveled in no time ^^
Until next time...{See you again!}{/goodbye}
Until next time...{See you again!}{/goodbye}
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