Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Aquarius fight/Level 59 Party, King Ranperre's Tomb

Last night was exciting for me, as I got to explore an area I've never really been in: The Boyahda Tree. Well, that's not entirely true, as I'd run in there, screaming the whole way, while getting chased by angry Rock Golems in The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, while duoing on Goobbue's with Ame, a million years ago. So I'd seen the front door, so to speak, but never actually been in there. As Ame was keen to procure a Fransisca (an uber axe for Ranger), we took a few minutes, at the start of the night, to make our way out there to see if we could get Aquarius to pop. After bouncing all over Vana'Diel, we arrived in The Boyahda Tree, and made our way to the pop location...

I found out later that nothing aggro's on the way up there, but I wasn't taking any fucking chances.

This is a pretty cool place, actually...trees growing inside a giant tree.

We made it to the pop location unscathed, and since we a had a few minutes until Kamiku arrived, I looked around some...

Pretty neat looking :)

A waterfall, inside a tree...pretty cool.

While we were waiting for Kamiku, a 75 Puppetmaster that was soloing on the crabs in there actually managed to pop Aquarius. Amedelie sent a tell asking if he was going for it, and he said he already had a Fransisca, and actually agreed to join our little group to help fight Aquarius when Kamiku showed up. I'm glad he did, as the fight took a while even with 3 75's in the party. Of course, I couldn't really do much to it, being level 60 and all, but we TP'd up on the regular crabs that were running around so I could keep everyone healed up at least while Ame focused on enfeebling and such. All in all, it was a piece of cake...

Fransisca {You can have this.}{/cheer}!

With that out of the way, we got down to business and made our way back to San d'Oria to get a Band in. Having previously researched some camp's that a trio of 59's could handle, we decided to give King Ranperre's Tomb a try, working on the Dire Bats that run around in the basement. It was actually pretty good experience, so we'll definitely have to remember this spot for future parties in this level range. This was also an experience for me, as I've never actually ran around down here.

Some pre-game hot sex action. Doesn't Ame look excited? :)

Do a Barrel Roll!

On paper, those Worms seemed like a good TP mob, as they checked as Even Match. In reality, however, they raped the shit out of us, even though they were lower level then the bats, mainly because of the goddamn AOE's and they like to spam. So yeah, VT bats were easier then EM worms...go figure.

Ame's trying to electrocute me again, I think...

Unfortunately, we still had to rest up a touch here and there after the beatings Ame would take...

I swear, if I ever end up with an arrow embedded in the back of my skull, Ame's ass is going down... :)

Eat it, whore!!!

In reflecting on our evening, I have to say that Ame and Almeth fucking PWN as a team. All told, they were dealing upwards of 1800 damage total with their WS's and Skillchains. Since bats are weak to piercing damage (thats why we try to fight bats whenever possible), they dropped FAST after that. OF course, Ame would get perma hate after that, so I pretty much had to Cure bomb at the end of the fights, but all in all it wasn't too bad, and I generally was doing pretty good on the TP management.

All in all, Almeth got 60 and I got 61, so I was very happy with our progress. Amedelie had to log off for the night right after that, and as I had a few more minutes to kill before I had to log off myself, Almeth suggested we take a trip out to Norg to get some of the Rise of the Zilart missions started. I changed into White Mage and we Teleport-Yhoat'd out there. Upon entering Norg, I was treated to a pretty cool cutscene:

Despite the fact that I'd been out here like a billion times before, these guys were still like "Who the fuck are you?!" Story of my life...

I'd hit it...

This guy, and his son, win the "Asshole of the Year" award...

I have a terrible feeling about this...

Wow, they look real friendly...

Lol pwned...

Gilgamesh, the leader of Norg. He looks like a BMF, amirite?

This looked a neat pic to me, so I took a snapshot :)

Jakoh Wahcondalo, the Chieftainess of Kazham.

And so ends our adventures for another day!

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