Tuesday was our obligatory "Reflaa" day, and because of some issues finding mobs in the 50's for us to work on for a reasonable amount of experience, we decided to change things up and try a different combination of jobs so we could cap at a different level and find better mobs. That being said, we formed up a 4-man party of the following: Almeth as NIN, Amedelie as DNC, Reflaa as WAR, and me on my WHM. Amedelie was good enough to do some scouting by the outpost, and mob levels were good so it was a go. Sandy controlled Altepa also, so Reflaa was able to do a Supply Run and unlock the outpost, another big plus.
Let me just say, this combination is freaking
awesome! We started off taking it easy, working on T's and the occasional VT...but they were dropping so fast and with such little effort we started focusing on IT's and were most definitely kicking ass. The experience was great, I had zero issues with MP, Ame was doing great on TP; all in all, I look forward to partying again with this configuration next time Reflaa plays.
Getting to melee and spend the majority of my MP on enfeebles and buffs, instead of healing, was tons of fun...and I got lots of skillups as well!
This poor BST tried to level here, but we were just mowing through mobs. I almost felt bad...almost. We were here first and all...he quickly moved on.
Drain Samba II makes me very happy... ^^
"Annnnnnnnnd, you're dead. Nice try though!"
The Gobs quickly turned to crap (how the hell do they go from all being IT to T in like an hour??) so we ran out a ways to check Anticans. Unfortunately, they were dumpy, too, so we moved on up to the next camp...our trusty Beetle camp by the plateau in Western Altepa Desert.
The beetles started out T (wtf?) but quickly shot to the VT and IT end of the spectrum once we cleared them out. They were a bit more of a pain in the ass then the Gobs were, but we got good experience from them.
Nice profile shot of me while my peeps beat down another poor beetle. Oh, the humanity!
"Oh no, it's charging!"
Half of my enfeebles didn't stick on these fucks...I really need to work on my magic skill.
Ame comes through with the Quickstep; Evasion Down {You can have this.}At the end of the day, everybody got a level (don't remember the specifics but I got 55 on WHM, woot!), and had a great time. I can't wait to do this again; like I said, this combination rocks. Until next time... ^^
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