With the holidays upon us, and the requisite "family time" that they entail (crazy talk! ^^), it's been a slow couple weeks for BD. We did whatever we were able, when we were able...but for the most part, it's been pretty low key. At any rate, here's some screenies from the random times we were able to get on...
I finally hit level 60, and am now officially in full Dancer AF! Yay!!!!
True, it looks like I'm hiding down here, but it's all part of my ingenious Master Plan. Ah, fuck it, you caught me...I'm hiding.
"Ok, yeah, I am so not fucking with that angry shit. No sir!"
I'm not positive, but I think Almeth was down there whacking at that shit like a crazy person. I have my character models turned way down (which is why you can't see any peeps down there), 'cause Beseiged murders my framerate...
"Ok, I'll pretend to actually contribute to the fight, why not?"
They took the goddamn chocobo renter! What the fuck!!!!!!!
Running around Alzadaal Undersea Ruins with Almeth, working on Aht Urhgan missions...
I love how, out here in Aht Urhgan, you can like teleport anywhere with these devices here. This whole area was built with the lazy elitists in mind (I can't wait 'til I'm a lazy elitist ^^)
This dumb bitch can't add for shit...I want my fucking Gold Pieces!!!!
"That looks like a cheery place!"
Another Staging Point can be crossed off the list... ^^
So, there we were in Garlaige, 4-manning Beetles, when this little /shout war broke out. I edited all the relevant parts together, but yeah, fucking hysterical. Apparently, that T* guy is pretty well known on the Fairy server to be a fucking douchebag, Kamiku heard that he stole an entire Linkshell's bankroll and changed servers, and I actually googled him later and found some reports in some forums that he stole a Kraken Club by disbanding the party right after they completed a BCNM and opening the chest, stealing all the drops. I'd have to concur with the douche part myself, since he decided to steal Beetle's we were fighting right in front of him for no fucking reason. You know you have to be a piece of shit to be called out on it on multiple forums. /blist FTW! ^^
Anyways, Ladies and Gentlemen, thats all I got for today. Happy New Year everybody!!!! :)
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