Since the bats in King Ranperre's Tomb were getting a little weak at 61, alternate campsites were researched, and we decided to give Upper Delkfutt's Tower a shot. It was a little rough at first, and there was some nasty links at one point or another, but all in all it worked out very well and should be good for at least a level or so.
The fabled "Stairway to Nowhere", which literally goes nowhere...which contributed to my rage quite a bit.
"Well, I sure do love running up and down all these stairs, shit!"
These three Gigas chased Almeth all the way to the stairway, then as soon as he started going down, said "Eh, fuck it...". What a bunch of lazy bitches...
Good thing Gigas are blind as a bat...
"OMG Almeth, where are you?!"
"Oh, there he is, and he even brought a friend!"
"I'll cut your crotch, bitch!"
"Yay, more fucking stairs..."After our bands wore, Amedelie had to go for the evening, so Almeth and I pondered what exactly we wanted to do before we logged off ourselves. Almeth suggested running out to Aht Urhgan to get the final staging point we needed, the Halvung Staging Point. I had actually tried to do this particular staging point way back in the day, but I was like 40-something WHM, and I bit it really really hard somewhere along the way. At any rate, it was much easier this time around... ^^
"There's some serious Island of Doctor Moreau shit going on out here tonight..."
That guy looks like a fucking BADASS, doesn't he? :)
Halvung, a giant volcano, and generally happy and light-hearted place...
"Hey look, Almeth, IT+++++ Crawlers!! Let's say hi!!"
Around the middle of Halvung we came across this area, which is definitely getting added to my "Coolest Looking Places in Vana'Diel" list.
Same place, another angle...
"Ok, sightseeing's over, let's get a move on..."
Finally, Mount Zhayolm. We're almost there...
This place is so pissed off, the bombs roll in fucking packs out here. Cause, you know, one isn't enough...
And so concludes the adventures of another day...Ciao!!!
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