By the way, did I mention you only have 30 minutes to complete the maze? Before going in for the first time, we joked between ourselves, "Gee, wouldn't it suck if we got Oozes or something highly resistant to physical damage?"

We gave it our best, and actually managed to put down all the Oozes in the 30 minute time limit, and then we noticed the next type of mob they had given us: Magic Pots. I didn't get any screenshots of them, because I was busy getting my letter bomb ready so I could mail it off to the Square Enix headquarters. I dunno how we did it, but we managed to get two of the worst types of mobs 2 melee's could hope to get. After that bitter failure, we tried Almeth's Tabula, which worked this time, figuring that we can't get something worse than Oozes, really.
"Well, shit, this is much better. I mean, we're hitting them harder at least, but they keep crushing us for like 600 damage. What a kick in the nuts..."
"Alright, we're getting there. Time is ticking, but we're not doing too bad, we just might make it!"
"Alright, Sea Monks are all dead, let's see what the next mob is...ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME?!?! ELEMENTALS?!?!?!?! THAT'S JUST FUCKING PERFECT!!"
Quick, someone remind me why I play this game again? I mean, I might as well pay someone to just come kick me in the nuts repeatedly...
Back in business, Thank God...

Needless to say, we didn't complete either maze in the alloted time, because we got the big dick. Amedelie was about to log on, and Kamiku was finishing up his stuff, so we decided to go get a band in out in Wajaom Woodlands before we logged out for the night.

We called it not too long after that. All in all, nobody ate any more deaths, so that was nice.
Upon logging in yesterday, Kamiku had some free time before his Limbus run, and Almeth was keen to get his last piece of THF AF. This involved running out to Garlaige and killing a bomb-type NM named Chandelier (awful name in my opinion but whatever). I geared up as WHM to better assist Kamiku, and we made our way out.
In order to get through the Banishing Gates, you need 4 people, and since we were only 3 of us at the time, that meant we needed someone to come for 2 seconds and stand on a switch. Asking politely didn't work. Offering 1k didn't either, nor did 2k. It cost Almeth 5k to get someone to come stand on a switch for 2 seconds...how nice.
Upon logging in yesterday, Kamiku had some free time before his Limbus run, and Almeth was keen to get his last piece of THF AF. This involved running out to Garlaige and killing a bomb-type NM named Chandelier (awful name in my opinion but whatever). I geared up as WHM to better assist Kamiku, and we made our way out.

Video of the fight. There was a couple "OMG HOLY SHIT KAMIKU'S GONNA DIE!" moments, but we got it done, and Almeth got his spankin' new Rogue's Poulaines...{Congratulations}!!!!
After the fight, Kamiku had to run off, so Almeth and I decided to give the Maze thing another try. In reading about it, apparently the maze will give mobs that check as DC-T to the lowest member of your party, so I geared up as my 42 PLD to give that a shot. We figured that, with Almeth being 20 levels higher, he'd be able to blow through whatever they threw at us. We wouldn't get any experience, of course, but we're more concerned with getting the marbles, so we can make better mazes. At any rate, we got our shit together and gave it a whirl...
Great. More elementals. Why does this game hate us so much?
That's all I got for now, cheerio!

We were at the very end, killed the last mob with like 2 seconds to spare, and waiting for the treasure chest to pop when the Maze collapsed and we got warped out. Needless to say, we were pissed off...and a new strategy was in order. Since being a 42 PLD wasn't low enough for Almeth to effectively put these things down, and since we kept getting stuck with goddamn elementals and other nasty mobs, I bit the bullet and decided to come out as my 22 SAM. I figured, if we can't kill these things in time with them being in the twenties, then something was just fucked up and we were obviously not meant to do this.
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