It isn't often that we go into Arrapago Reef, so I took a screenshot while we were there:

In my last post I had the video of me fighting Peerifool; the beginning part of quest "One Good Deed?". The conclusion of it involved running out to Attohwa Chasm and getting a few cutscenes, so Almeth and I finished it up together. While there, we ran out to Boneyard Gully to look around (neither of us had ever been there), and also explored Attohwa some. There was a scary moment when Almeth aggro'd a Trench Antlion (those fuckers hide in the ground and spring up on you, scared the shit out of both of us 'cause we so weren't expecting it) but he was able to Flee away with it and survive. While we were in the area, Almeth asked if I was willing to try and pop Citapati, a lottery spawn from the Corse that spawn there at night. Although the NM seemed like it would be a little angry, Almeth is very keen to pick up a Harpe, so I agreed to give him a hand. Due to some Scorpion aggro the moment we started killing a Corse, it ended up like this:

The next night (or maybe two nights later, I don't quite remember to be honest), Almeth and I started working on some Aht Urhgan quests and missions. We were able to complete the mission Royal Puppeteer pretty easily, as this involved killing Ameratats in Wajaom Woodlands until we got a Vial of Jody's Acid for each of us. Lucky for us, we got the acid after 2 Ameratats, although we did have some Tiger aggro that was pretty fucking annoying (goddamn those Tigers and their paralysis move!). The did drop a Rusty Medal, which is used in long chain of quests to get some Imperial Standing and some Imperial Gold Pieces. As Almeth and I wanted to expand our Mog Locker some more, we were all about getting some free Gold Pieces, so despite the fact that the cutscenes were long as shit, and involved tons of running around, it was well worth it. We also attempted to do Aht Urhgan Mission 13 - Lost Kingdom, but that didn't work out so hot.
Building some TP before we attempt to fight the NM for Aht Urhgan Mission 13.
The fight itself. We were doing pretty well, but enmity control got away from us, which left me in a bad spot as far as healing us goes. We're gonna try this guy again with Amedelie; I think we'll be much more sucessful with someone else to take hate and deal damage.

The fight itself. We were doing pretty well, but enmity control got away from us, which left me in a bad spot as far as healing us goes. We're gonna try this guy again with Amedelie; I think we'll be much more sucessful with someone else to take hate and deal damage.
Getting my face kicked in by Jazaraat was a little discouraging, so we ran around and took care of some other quests in the Aht Urhgan area. The first one we tackled was When the Bow Breaks, which just involved killing some spiders for a Frayed Arrow, and trading the arrow to a ??? in the same area...which rewarded us with more long ass cutscenes.

There was many more cutscenes, but I'll spare everyone from the rest of that shit. Needless to say, I got Carpal Tunnel from mashing the Enter key over and over again.
Yesterday, Almeth and I started the day off with a went ok, although not having reraise items and Wizard's Drinks really sucked a fat one. At any rate, it was a little rough starting out, but as more people showed up, things got easier. People were really friendly yesterday:
"Umm, could you stop grinding your crotch into my back? What the fuck kinda perverted shit is this?!"
Yesterday, Almeth and I started the day off with a went ok, although not having reraise items and Wizard's Drinks really sucked a fat one. At any rate, it was a little rough starting out, but as more people showed up, things got easier. People were really friendly yesterday:

Since we were already in Aht Urhgan, we finished up a few more quests, expanded our Mog Lockers (70 slots, woot!!) and then made our way to Sandy past to do some Campaign Battles. Amedelie showed up not long after, and joined us. Almeth tried to do it as his 48 Ninja, but the experience was just too broken at such a relatively low level, so he switched to THF. We banged out a Granite Rose I as well; since nobody ever does it we got a fat exp bonus for it. For the most part, it was just battle after battle, though:
This battle was so fucking crowded that the NPC's had to go up in the trees to attack. Nice...

Since we just so happened to be in Jugner Forest (S), we decided to give Fingerfilcher Dradzad another go. Now that we had gained 6 levels on him since our first attempt, we figured we had a far better shot at finally killing him and moving on in the Wings of the Goddess missions...and we were right. Having Amedelie along to use ranged attacks on him when he started countering made the fight a joke, and we were ecstatic that we finally got our revenge:
Yeah! FUCK YOU!!!
Amedelie had to log out not long after that, but I stuck around a little while to finish up the quest line Fingerfilcher was involved in, and got treated to one of the cooler cutscenes in the game:
"Oh shit..."
Well, look who it is...Cait Sith!
"Aww pretty kitty!"
"Yeah? Well your character sucked in Final Fantasy VII!!"

That was pretty much the whole cutscene. Creepy cool shit. The next quest's cutscene was boring by comparison, but I did manage to snag a good pic during it:
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