Ultimately, the goal of the day was for Almeth and I was to win our respective G5 fights, and break the level cap so we could continue to push our way to 75. There was a few things to do along the way, so we got on early and started making our way around. GodzillaX, our friendly neighborhood Galkan, was already online, and had some time to kill before he logged off for the day, so Almeth quickly enlisted him into the days festivities. First up on the agenda was to pop and kill Tonberry Tracker, and hopefully get Almeth a Thief's Kote. There was a bit of travel involved, so we got jumped to it and made our way...

We finally made our way into the Den of Rancor, but we still had a bit of a ways ahead of us. With our Unlit Lanterns in hand, we made our way to the Rancor Flame to light them, and then back to the door we needed to open. Things were going okay, until...
"Yeah, that's right, LAUGH IT UP FUNNY MAN!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!"

Godzilla and I laid there dead for a bit, while Almeth begged and pleaded with everyone in the zone with Raise to come and help us out, but it was no use. Everyone was too deep in Den of Rancor to be able to come back up to help us, even offering a 10k reward was of no use. Godzilla and I home pointed, and we tried again, but upon closer inspection of the route we needed to take to get to the NM, Almeth realized it was just gonna take too long for us to get out to him. With a sigh, we gave up on it for the day, and as Godzilla had to log soon anyways, we bid him farewell and moved on to our next goal of the day: skilling up for our fights.
I'd heard around that for higher level players, The Boyahda Tree was the place to go if you wanted skill ups, so Almeth grabbed a shield and we made our way out there. Can't be fighting Maat/Laila with underleveled skills, now can we? We stopped along the way to get some payback on all those Golems and Goobbue's that made our lives miserable way back in the day...
I'd heard around that for higher level players, The Boyahda Tree was the place to go if you wanted skill ups, so Almeth grabbed a shield and we made our way out there. Can't be fighting Maat/Laila with underleveled skills, now can we? We stopped along the way to get some payback on all those Golems and Goobbue's that made our lives miserable way back in the day...

After my death, we killed a few more, then decided we were ready for our G5. we weren't fully capped, but Almeth and I felt that we were close enough to give the big dogs a go. With a little trepidation, I made my way back to Jeuno to pick up some supplies in preperation for my fight with Laila. With my Hi-Potions, Icarus wing, Squid Sushi, Persikos Au Lait, and Sleeping Potions (for Opo-opo Necklace) all gathered, I traded my Dancer's Testimony to Laila and commited myself to the fight...
"God, I hope I don't fuck this up..."

Yeah! Eat it whore!!! Level 75, here I come!!!!!!
Almeth was also successful with his Maat Fight (video to come soon! Congratulations player!!!^^) so all in all, despite a detah or two along the way, we accomplished our goals, and for one brief moment, made Final Fantasy XI our bitch.
It's a nice feeling... ^^
It's a nice feeling... ^^
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