Been kinda quiet in BD the last couple days, but today Almeth and I were on a mission. Our awesome Tuesday static party had to be adjusted for some sub-job leveling, so we started the day with working on Almeth's level 12
Dancer, getting it to 15 so he would have
Curing Waltz, and thus not wanna slit his wrists playing the job in a full party. Seriously, take it from me...Dancer absolutely
blows ass pre-15.
Anyways, Almeth got geared up as best he could, I switched to my White Mage so I could help him along, and we got to work...
As soon as we showed up in La Thiene Plateau, Almeth starting beating birds to death.
They weren't too happy with me, either...
For as high level as I am, these little fuckers were still able to land poison and shit on!
Working on the first page of the Fields of Valor manual for Valkurm Dunes, which sends you back to La Thiene...can you say annoying?
Almeth had a little trouble hitting these guys at times, but it was damn good experience when he put them down.
"These chests would be freaking awesome if we actually got in one at some point..."
These guys are little sneaky bastards. God I hate Gobs!
You gotta do the cooking by the book!
With as much as people kept stopping and staring at us as they ran by, you'd think they've never seen a Dancer or a PL before. Move along, people!
Almeth get's DNC to 15, and shows off his new moves... ^^
The next item on the agenda was actually a few things all rolled into one. We wanted to get our Adventuring Fellows some levels, and wanted to work on getting weaponskill points for the Evisceration quest. We decided to try out Kuftal Tunnel; we'd been down there recently on our way through to get Almeth the Vollbow Outpost, and tried to get a coffer key to drop unsuccessfully. It's the only way to get a map of the place, and Lord knows you need a map in that freaking dump. We hurried home, changed into our mains, and hit the road...
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