Since I'm an idiot, I didn't think to record half the fights we did (which sucks, since the odds of us doing them again anytime in the near future are next to none) but someday I'll get them recorded to share with everyone and show off our uber leetsauce skillz :)
At any rate, here's the two fights I did manage to record:
This is the 5-1 fight. Basically, you're fighting a bunch of skeletons. We were WHM, BLM, WAR, MNK, THF, and DNC. Although some of us did get a little low on HP, and the Paralyze was really pissing me off, we managed to get 'er done without too much difficulty. Next up, Shadow Lord!
When that was completed, Reflaa and Amedelie had to go for the evening, but Almeth and I stayed on to run out to the Temple of Uggalepih to help Willowrose and Kamiku farm for some White Steel off of the Tonberry's out there. At first I was worried that I wouldn't be able to really help out (the Mobs out there are kinda pissed off), but I'm glad I went as we had tons of fun, even though people kept getting one shotted with "Everyone's Grudge". I really couldn't even tell you how many times Kamiku and the other 75's died, but it was lots...
To top it all off, through the course of our evening, we actually got the pop item for Sozu Rogberry, an NM that drops a pretty nice dagger for Almeth's Thief. The pop item has like a 1% drop rate, so he was obviously ecstatic, and everyone else was more than happy to help us fight it and get Almeth the drop.
Of course, since everyone else was like fully merited 75, the fight really didn't last too long, but it was fun to watch everyone own face :)
If this guy wouldn't have used Perfect Dodge, this video would have been literally 20 seconds long. After watching Barnyrubble totally rape shit as 75 Monk, I'm half tempted to start levelling it myself again.
To top it all off, through the course of our evening, we actually got the pop item for Sozu Rogberry, an NM that drops a pretty nice dagger for Almeth's Thief. The pop item has like a 1% drop rate, so he was obviously ecstatic, and everyone else was more than happy to help us fight it and get Almeth the drop.
Of course, since everyone else was like fully merited 75, the fight really didn't last too long, but it was fun to watch everyone own face :)
If this guy wouldn't have used Perfect Dodge, this video would have been literally 20 seconds long. After watching Barnyrubble totally rape shit as 75 Monk, I'm half tempted to start levelling it myself again.
And the icing on the cake, I ended up with a shit ton of drops to sell, which is nice, as I spent a 150k over the weekend buying shit for White Mage. I also came out of the festivities with Red Mage, Black Mage, and Summoner testimonies, so if I ever decide to take those jobs up to 75, I've already got that covered.
At any rate, we all had a blast this weekend! Many thanks to everyone that helped us out!!!
At any rate, we all had a blast this weekend! Many thanks to everyone that helped us out!!!
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