We've done a lot over the last few days. Almeth and I completed our G3 quests, we got the Shadow Lord fight done (thanks Ame and Kamiku!!!), we did some campaign battles, and we did some basic trio and 4-man experience parties mixed in there, as well. All told, a busy weekend for BD, but hey, what else is new? :)
This is what happens when you get too close to the Yugudo High Priest in Castle Oztroja...
These Gobs don't stand a chance...
Luckily, there's Pixies running around out here in Ronnfaure (S), so whenever we get drilled by a Bomb Toss, we can always chase one down for a Cure IV...
Some more Gob pwnage...
Chilling out, waiting for the Campaign Battle to begin...
Campaign is pretty much the same as Beseiged, except for the fact that it takes place outside of a city and there are NPC's fighting with you.
After we collectively wiped out the Gobs, these things showed up...they were pretty pissed :)
Annnnnnnnnnnd dead!
Kamiku joined us on his Monk for some Garlaige Citadel action... :)
Making our way through Castle Zvahl Baileys, en route to the Shadow Lord...
We caught some aggro, but it wasn't too big of a deal out here...
Resting quick upon zoning into the Castle Zvahl Keep. This marked where we really did not wanna fuck around with aggro...
This is a teleporter. I seriously wonder how people managed to get through this shit before it was written out online, because that wouldn't be obvious to me at all...
After finally making it through the Castle Zvahl Keep, we come to the bridge to the Throne Room of the Shadow Lord. Looks ominous, doesn't it? :)
Finally! The Shadow Lord's throne, how cool is this shit? :)
Aww, shit! Here he comes!!!
Well, he looks pissed off...
The video of the fight. Kamiku and Amedelie did most of the work, but hey, I threw a few Cures and Haste's out there!There was a ton of cutscenes that I had to edit out for Youtube time constraints, unfortunately...
After successfully beating the Shadow Lord, we return to San d'Oria to meet with the King and claim our reward! Zilart missions here we come!!! :)
It's that time of year again, and the Starlight Festival is in full swing. In years past I always blew off the winter holiday activities for one reason or another, but I vowed to try my hand at some of them this time around. It's actually been lots of fun, and I've made a decent amount of gil off of the items I've received as well; we all know how much everyone loves getting money for christmas... :)
The first of the mini-quests available is pretty simple: you go out into one of the newbie zones (I chose East Ronnfaure since I'm Elvaan and all) and destroy boxes to get Bell-Themed Tokens. These tokens are then exchanged for items; some food, some gear, all kinds of shit. After reading up on it, I made my way outside and started beating the crap out of some boxes...
"Yeah, die box!!! Merry Fucking Christmas!!!"
What a weak ass box...
"All right! A box full of boxes!! What an awesome gift!!!"
[sarcasm]"Man oh man, I hope this is another box full of boxes! That'd be SWEET!!"[/sarcasm]
Ok, to be fair, there was actually some decent drops out of the boxes, outside of the tokens, mainly food items. At first I was pretty ho-hum about it, until I realized that they can be vendored for up to 1k a piece to an NPC. When I discovered that, I was much more excited about breaking those boxes...and it also gave me something to do in between the other parts of the christmas stuff.
Next up was a mini-quest helping the Moogles deliver gifts to people. The best part is, it was always the same people, so it was just a matter of flagging the quest, talking to 4 peeps, and claiming my reward. They weren't even that far apart, so it was pretty painless, and I got some cool new clothes out of the deal. It could only be done once per Vana'diel day (roughly once an hour), but it ain't like I had anything else going on, so I ran around and did what I was told.
"Wow, there's a lot of Santa's around here today..."
"I've ran up and down this road like 12 times today! Kill me!!!!"
"Hey you! Betcha he like's my present better!!"
"Dude, why are you so surpised? I've been here literally twelvetimes now. I think you smoke to much ganja, player..."
And yet another mini-quest, giving Christmas cards to people. Basically, you talk to moogle who gives you card and tells you to find a certain race and gender to give it to, such as Hume man, or Tarutaru woman. The first night I did it, I was pulling my hair out, trying to find one goddamn person that met the requirements. Of course, I always got like Galka, and there'd be no Galkans anywhere at all. Or the ones that were around were like ignorant asses that wouldn't respond to tells. At any rate, Almeth found the trick to it, and I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner, considering the Easter event is somewhat similar...basically, if you're actually in a party with someone else, the cards you each get will match the other person in your group. So it's a real easy matter to trade the cards between each other, trade them to the moogle, then trade them back. This was another thing that could only be done once per Vana'diel day, but the reward was yet another Token that was able to be exchanged for some items.
Yay, Christmas!
I got all my decorations up, and I'm leaving them up all year. It's always Christmas in my house!
Almeth and I, showing off our Christmas shit...aren't we adorable!
This weekend, as a whole, was an exciting one for BD. We got Reflaa Tonko: Ichi, his Dark Spark fight completed, his G2 completed, and, with some help, completed San d'Oria Mission 5-1: The Ruins of Fei'Yin for Almeth, Reflaa, and I. I'd like to thank Kamiku and Willowrose for helping us out, as there's no way we could have completed this shit on our own, so thanks guys!!!!
Since I'm an idiot, I didn't think to record half the fights we did (which sucks, since the odds of us doing them again anytime in the near future are next to none) but someday I'll get them recorded to share with everyone and show off our uber leetsauce skillz :)
At any rate, here's the two fights I did manage to record:
This is the 5-1 fight. Basically, you're fighting a bunch of skeletons. We were WHM, BLM, WAR, MNK, THF, and DNC. Although some of us did get a little low on HP, and the Paralyze was really pissing me off, we managed to get 'er done without too much difficulty. Next up, Shadow Lord!
When that was completed, Reflaa and Amedelie had to go for the evening, but Almeth and I stayed on to run out to the Temple of Uggalepih to help Willowrose and Kamiku farm for some White Steel off of the Tonberry's out there. At first I was worried that I wouldn't be able to really help out (the Mobs out there are kinda pissed off), but I'm glad I went as we had tons of fun, even though people kept getting one shotted with "Everyone's Grudge". I really couldn't even tell you how many times Kamiku and the other 75's died, but it was lots...
To top it all off, through the course of our evening, we actually got the pop item for Sozu Rogberry, an NM that drops a pretty nice dagger for Almeth's Thief. The pop item has like a 1% drop rate, so he was obviously ecstatic, and everyone else was more than happy to help us fight it and get Almeth the drop.
Of course, since everyone else was like fully merited 75, the fight really didn't last too long, but it was fun to watch everyone own face :)
If this guy wouldn't have used Perfect Dodge, this video would have been literally 20 seconds long. After watching Barnyrubble totally rape shit as 75 Monk, I'm half tempted to start levelling it myself again.
And the icing on the cake, I ended up with a shit ton of drops to sell, which is nice, as I spent a 150k over the weekend buying shit for White Mage. I also came out of the festivities with Red Mage, Black Mage, and Summoner testimonies, so if I ever decide to take those jobs up to 75, I've already got that covered.
At any rate, we all had a blast this weekend! Many thanks to everyone that helped us out!!!
It's been a while since my last post; I've been off doing the family thing while my boys in BD fuck shit up. From what I hear, things went very well for everyone, so first off, I'd like to say {Good Job!}{Congratulations} to my peeps!
With that being said, here's some screenies from the last couple days since I've been back in Vana'diel. It's good to be back :)
Some more hot trio action in Bostaunieux Oubliette, our standard DNC/THF/RNG trio.
Did you expect anything else? This time it was actually a full wipe...awesome!!
This is probably gonna sting a bit...
Disconnect FTW!!!!
And then there were two...
My very first Besieged! I really didn't do shit, but can you tell with all the shit going on? I didn't think so... :)
Somebody must have done something pretty fucked up right there lol...
Holy shit, there's Almeth!
"Oh my God, is that Mothra back there?! What the fuck kinda shit is this?!?!"
Good luck trying to figure out what the hell is going on, I don't think anyone knows :)
Success! And a free 1000 Experience Points to boot!
5-manning in Bostaunieux...we were WAR, MNK, THF, RNG, and WHM.
"Oh Lord, here we go again..."
Quick shot of the crew while Almeth was off shooting bats.
"Ok, so maybe casting Paralyze right off the bat wasn't a good idea..."
"You maniacs!!! You blew it up!!!! Oh God!!!!"
Almeth dings 57, and breaks out the obligatory Scorpion Harness... :)
Last night was another productive night. We spent the first part of our evening working on the next part of the Warrior AF quests for Reflaa, "The Taleskeeper's Truth". This was a two part quest: we had to acquire a Mottled Quadav Egg from a spawned NM in Palborough Mines, and a Parasite skin from the Yagudo Parasites in Castle Oztroja. Amedelie was going to be late, so Almeth and I ran off with Reflaa to take care of the Parasite skin first. Since Reflaa didn't yet have Tonko: Ichi (still on our "to do" list) he parked right inside the zone while Almeth and I ran off to find the the Yagudo Parasites we were looking for. The leeches are level 45-48, so they we figured they'd be pretty easy for a 56 Thief and 51 White Mage to take out, and you know what, they probably are when you fight one of them. All four though, well, that's a different story:
"Oh no, Almeth, save yourself!!!!!!!!!!!"
I wish I could say Almeth made it out alive, but unfortunately, with the 4 leeches chasing him, plus who knows how many Yagudo also giving chase, he caught a nasty Holy bomb and that was it. I had previously set my Home Point in Bastok so I could run around with Reflaa and point out all the peeps he needed to talk to after we got the drop, so I got to sit out that portion of the adventure while Almeth ran back out to take care of getting the drop. This time none of the leeches linked, and the skin dropped immediately, so Reflaa used his Instant Warp scroll to come back to Bastok and get the talking parts done. By this point Amedelie was online, so Ame collected Almeth and headed towards Palborough Mines for the next leg of our quest. After Reflaa and I finished up our shit in town, I changed jobs to Dancer, and we grabbed choco's and made our way to Palborough to finish off the next portion...
Once we got where we needed to be, Reflaa spawned the NM, and we proceeded to beat his ass down:
Piece of cake... :)
After that was completed, we all took the boat from Palborough back to Bastok and got ourselves ready to get an Empress Band in. I was originally going to go out as White Mage again, but I wasn't feeling it, so I stayed Dancer. We decided to give Garlaige a rest this time, and made our way out to Quicksand Caves to fight some Anticans and Beetles again. After a Teleport-Altepa from Ame, we made our way to our spot, Ame changed into Ranger in Rabao, and we got to killing...
Chilling out while we wait for Ame.
"Ooooh, Spike Ball to the face!"
After catching that Spike Ball in the lip, Almeth fights back with his ultra mega damage Rainbow Attack!
Almeth regains the level he lost earlier to those leeches, so cheers were in order... :)
We finished off our bands relatively quickly, and called it a night soon after that. Like I said, another productive night for BD! :)